RefNo | MS/427/405 |
AltRefNo | MS/427 p77 |
Level | Item |
Title | Copy letter from [Michael] Foster, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. Wharton Jones |
Date | 12 January 1885 |
Description | Informs the obituaries in the Proceedings are published differently from other articles in that they are no communicated. States the President asked Prof. [August Wilhem] Hofmann (of Berlin) to write the obituary of [Jean Baptiste Andre] Dumas, and being a Chemist, wrote it from that perspective. Explains that the offending section was not meant to imply Hofmann and Dumas were precursors to von Baer in the discovery of mammalian ovarian ovum, but that they were precursors to him in terms of discussion of the ovum in maternal passages. States that had [William Cumberland] Cruikshank been mentioned in the notice, Dr. Graat would have also been. |
Extent | 2p |
Format | Manuscript |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedRecord | MC/13/116 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA1801 | Hofmann; August Wilhelm von (1818 - 1892) | 1818 - 1892 |
NA7151 | Dumas; Jean Baptiste Andre (1800 - 1884) | 1800 - 1884 |
NA3026 | Cruikshank; William Cumberland (1745 - 1800) | 1745 - 1800 |