RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1861/06 | Matthiessen, Augustus: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
RR/3/197 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the electric-conducting power of the metals' by Augustus Matthiessen | 20 February 1858 |
RR/3/195 | Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on a paper 'On the electric-conducting power of the metals' by Augustus Matthiessen | 1857 |
RR/4/177 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the electric conducting power of alloys' by Augutsus Matthiessen | 12 April 1860 |
RR/4/178 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the specific gravity of alloys' by Augustus Matthiessen | 5 May 1860 |
RR/4/176 | Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin on a paper 'On the electric conducting power of alloys' by Augutsus Matthiessen | [1860] |
RR/7/13 | Referee's report by Augustus Matthiessen, on a paper 'Chemical and physiological experiments on living cinchoncoe' by J Broughton | 29 September 1870 |
NLB/54/865 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to N. W. Bronieweld; 207 Boulevard Raspall, Paris | 23 October 1917 |
RR/6/170 | Referee's report by Balfour Stewart, on a paper 'On the expansion by heat of water and mercury' by Augustus Matthiessen | 31 January 1866 |
RR/6/173 | Referee's report by Balfour Stewart, on a paper 'On the expansion by heat of water and mercury' by Augustus Matthiessen | nd [1866] |
RR/6/171 | Referee's report by Balfour Stewart, on a paper 'On the expansion by heat of metals and alloys' by Augustus Matthiessen | 6 August 1866 |
RR/3/196 | Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on a paper 'On the conductive powers of mercury and __ on heat' by Augustus Matthiessen | 1857 |
RR/6/175 | Referee's report by Alexander William Williamson, on a paper 'Researches into the chemical constitution of narcotine, and of its products of decomposition.—Part II' by Augustus Matthiessen and George Carey Foster | 15 January 1868 |
RR/6/172 | Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on a paper 'On the expansion by heat of metals and alloys' by Augustus Matthiessen | nd [1866] |
RR/4/174 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the effect of the presence of metals and metalloids upon the electric conducting power of pure copper' by Augustus Matthiessen | 26 May 1860 |
RR/3/194 | Letter from Augustus Matthiessen, on his unnamed paper | 30 June 1857 |
RR/5/145 | Referee's report by Charles Wheatstone, on a paper 'On the Influence of temperature on the electric conducting-power of thallium and iron' by Augustus Matthiessen and Carl Vogt | 1 June 1863 |
RR/5/147 | Referee's report by Alexander William Williamson, on a paper 'Researches into the chemical constitution of narcotine, and of its products of decomposition.—Part I' by Augustus Matthiessen and George Carey Foster | 13 June 1863 |
RR/6/177 | Referee's report by Alexander William Williamson, on two papers 'Researches into the chemical constitution of narcotine, and of its products of decomposition.—Part III' and 'Researches into the chemical constitution of narcotine, and of its products of decomposition.- Part IV' by Augustus Matthiessen and Charles Romley Alder Wright | 8 July 1869 |
PT/70/3 | Paper, 'On the influence of temperature on the electric conducting power of alloys' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen and [August Christoph] C [Carl] Vogt | [1863] |
PT/60/11 | Paper, 'On the specific gravitys [sic] of alloys' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen | [1859] |
PT/60/10 | Paper, 'On the electric conducting power of alloys' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen | [1859] |
PT/64/1 | Paper, 'On the influence of temperature on the electric conducting power of metals' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen and M [Moritz] von Bose | [1861] |
RR/4/172 | Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on a paper 'On the specific gravity of alloys' by Augustus Matthiessen | 1860 |
AP/43/9 | Unpublished paper, 'On the specific gravity of alloys: Part II' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen | 1859 |
PT/60/10/5 | Plate, conducting power of alloys of tin, antimony, and bismuth by Augustus Matthiessen | [1859] |
PT/68/15 | Paper, 'Researches into the chemical constitution of narcotine' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen and G C [George Carey] Foster | [1863] |
PT/64/1/3 | Plate, calibrated thermometer tube by [Augustus] Matthiessen | 1862 |
PT/60/10/1 | Manuscript, 'On the electric conducting power of alloys' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen | [1859] |
PT/60/10/2 | Plate, conducting power of alloys of cadmium, tin, and lead by Augustus Matthiessen | [1859] |
PT/60/10/3 | Plate, conducting power of alloys of copper, gold, and bismuth by Augustus Matthiessen | [1859] |
PT/60/10/4 | Plate, conducting power of alloys of lead, antimony, and bismuth by Augustus Matthiessen | [1859] |
RR/4/173 | Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on a paper 'On the electric conducting power of alloys' by Augustus Matthiessen | 1860 |
PT/64/1/2 | Plate, apparatus for determining resistance by [Augustus] Matthiessen | 1862 |
PT/64/1/1 | Manuscript, 'On the influence of temperature on the electric conducting power of metals' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen and M [Moritz] von Bose | [1861] |
PT/69/1 | Paper, 'On the influence of temperature on the electric conducting power of thallium and iron' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen and [August Christoph] C [Carl] Vogt | February 1863 |
RR/5/144 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the Influence of temperature on the electric conducting-power of thallium and iron' by Augustus Matthiessen and Carl Vogt | [1863] |
RR/5/148 | Referee's report by Charles Wheatstone, on a paper 'On the influence of temperature on the electric conducting-power of alloys' by Augustus Matthiessen and Carl Vogt | 1 September 1863 |
PT/60/5 | Paper, 'On the effect of the presence of metals and metalloids upon the electric conducting power of pure copper' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen and M Holzmann | [1860] |
RR/5/127 | Referee's report by Augustus Matthiessen, on a paper 'Experimental researches on the transmission of electric signals through submarine cables.-Part I. Laws of transmission through various lengths of one cable' by Henry Charles Fleeming Jenkin | 16 July 1862 |
RR/6/176 | Referee's report by Edward Frankland, on two papers 'Researches into the chemical constitution of narcotine, and of its products of decomposition.—Part III' and 'Researches into the chemical constitution of narcotine, and of its products of decomposition.- Part IV' by Augustus Matthiessen and Charles Romley Alder Wright | 21 April 1869 |
MC/8/451 | Letter from A [Augustus] Matthiessen, Laboratory, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, to Professor [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society | 15 November 1869 |
RR/3/198 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the thermo-electric series' by Augustus Matthiessen | 5 March 1858 |
AP/40/11 | Paper, 'On the action of nitrous acid on aniline' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen | 1858 |
AP/43/8 | Unpublished paper, 'On the electric conducting power of alloys: Part II' by A [Augustus] Matthiessen | 1859 |
RR/5/149 | Referee's report by John Tyndall, on a paper 'On the influence of temperature on the electric conducting-power of alloys' by Augustus Matthiessen and Carl Vogt | 7 December 1863 |
MC/8 | Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1867-1869 |
RR/5/146 | Referee's report by Edward Frankland, on a paper 'Researches into the chemical constitution of narcotine, and of its products of decomposition.—Part I' by Augustus Matthiessen and George Carey Foster | 1 June 1863 |
RR/4/175 | Referee's report by William Allen Miller, on a paper 'On the influence of temperature on the electric conducting power of metals' by Augustus Matthiessen and Moritz von Bose | 31 March 1862 |
RR/4/179 | Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on a paper 'On the effect of the presence of metals and metalloids upon the electric conducting power of pure copper' by Augustus Matthiessen | 23 May 1860 |
RR/6/174 | Referee's report by Edward Frankland, on a paper 'Researches into the chemical constitution of narcotine, and of its products of decomposition.—Part II' by Augustus Matthiessen and George Carey Foster | 23 November 1867 |