Authorised form of name | Henderson; Sir; William MacGregor (1913 - 2000); veterinary surgeon |
Dates | 1913 - 2000 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Edinburgh, Scotland |
Date of birth | 17/07/1913 |
Place of death | Cholsey, Oxfordshire |
Date of death | 29/11/2000 |
Occupation | Veterinary surgeon |
Research field | Foot and mouth disease |
Activity | Education: George Watson's College, Edinburgh; Royal Veterinary College, Edinburgh; Edinburgh University; DSc (Edinburgh) Career: Assistant, Department of Medicine, Royal Veterinary College, Edinburgh (1936-1938); Researcher, Animal Virus Research Insitute, Pirbright (1939-1956), Deputy Director (1955-1956); Director, Pan American Foot-and-mouth disease Center, Rio de Janeiro (1957-1965); Head, Department of Microbiology, Agricultural Research Council (ARC) Institute for Research on Animal Diseases, Compton (1966-1967), Director (1967-1972); Secretary, ARC (1972-1978); Director, London Zoo Honours: Kt 1976 Memberships: Zoological Society of London (President 1984-1989); FRSE (1977)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 18/03/1976 |
Age at election | 62 |
Relationships | Son of a company manager; married (1941) Beryl Goodridge; four sons |
Source | Sources: Obituaries in Guardian (19/12/2000); Independent (21/12/2000) Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 2004 vol 50 pp 133-146, plate, by Edward Boden |
Code | NA1405 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1976/21 | Henderson, Sir William MacGregor: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 1973 |
IM/GA/GRS/7822 | Henderson, Sir William MacGrgor | 1976 |
JV/11/7/94 | Letter from Sir William Henderson, FRS to Sir John Vane | 2 January 1984 |
IM/GA/SGRS/8385 | Henderson, Sir William MacGregor | 1985 |