
Authorised form of namePattinson; Hugh Lee (1796 - 1858); metallurgical chemist
Dates1796 - 1858
Place of birthAlston, Cumberland, England
Date of birth25 December 1796
Place of deathHis residence, Scot's House, Gateshead, County Durham, England
Date of death11 November 1858
DatesAndPlacesBurial: Washington, County Durham churchyard, England
OccupationIndustrial chemist
Research fieldIndustrial chemistry
ActivityEducation: Educated in small private schools and assisted his father in his shop, from an early age.
Career: Clerk and assistant to Anthony Clapham, a soap boiler in Newcastle (1821); joined Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle (1922); became lead assay master to the lords of the manor at Alston (the Greenwich Hospital commissioners) (1825); cpnducted experiments in metallurgy, discovering the basis of his method of separating silver from lead but lack of money prevented him from pursuing this further (1829); appointed works manager at Thomas Wentworth Beaumont's lead works (1831) which enabled him to continue his experiments on refining silver until he established a workable process; resigned from Beaumont's works and set up a new chemical works at Felling, near Gateshead with John Lee and George Burnett (1834); patented two chemical processes, for making lead carbonate, and for manufacturing a white magnesium oxide, referref to as"magnesia alba"(1841); patendted his process for making a new white lead pigment, lead oxychloride (1849); established a chamical company with his partners, and brothers in law, at Washington, County Durham (1850).

VP of the chemical section of the British Association
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election03/06/1852
Age at election56
ProposerJohn Frederick William Herschel; Henry Thomas de la Beche; Michael Faraday; John Taylor; Lyon Playfair; Thomas Graham; William Allen Miller; Golding Bird; John Stenhouse; Thomas Sopwith
RelationshipsParents: Thomas Pattinson, a shopkeeper, and Margaret Lee, both were Quakers.
Spouse: Phoebe, daughter of John Walton of The Nest, Alston (1815)
Children: Three daughters; one son; two sons died before him.
Son-in-law: Sir Isaac Lowthian Bell (FRS 1874); Robert Stirling Newall (FRS 1875)
OtherInfoKnown for silver refining process and daguerreotypes.
Bulloch's Roll; DNB
Proc Roy Soc 1857-1859 vol 9 pp 534-535
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1852/09Pattinson, Hugh Lee: certificate of election to the Royal Society
MC/26/106Letter from [John Allen] Harker, The National Physical Laboratory, Bushy House, Teddington, Middlesex, to The Secretaries of the Royal Society13 January 1911
HS/14/145Letter, from Hugh Lee Pattinson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Newcastle-upon-Tyne12 February 1852
HS/14/146Incomplete letter, from Hugh Lee Pattinson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Newcastle-upon-Tyne21 February 1852
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