Authorised form of name | Serra; José Correia de (1750 - 1823) |
Other forms of name | Joseph Correa |
Joseph Correa de |
Abb Correa |
José Francisco |
Other forms of surname | de Serra |
Correa da Serra |
Dates | 1750 - 1823 |
Nationality | Portuguese |
Place of birth | Serpa, Alentejo, Portugal |
Date of birth | 1750 |
Place of death | Rainha, Portugal |
Date of death | 05 June 1823 |
Occupation | Diplomat |
Research field | Botany |
Activity | Education: Rome, holy orders Career: Founder and Secretary, Portuguese Academy of Sciences, Lisbon (1779); accused by the Portuguese Inquisition due to his scientiifc publications and fled to Paris (1786); returned to Portugal after the death of Pedro III; secretary to the Portuguese embassy in London (1799); settled in Philadelphia (1813) where he delivered lectures on botany at the University of Pennsylvania; resided in Paris (1802-1813); Portuguese Ambassador to the United Sates (1816-1820); Finance Minister, Portugal (1820-1823) Memberships: Foreign Member of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1815)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 03/03/1796 |
Age at election | 45 |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; Encylopaedia Britannica |
Code | NA2999 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1795/20 | Serra, Joseph Correa de: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
L&P/11/89 | Paper, 'On a submarine forest on the East coast of England' by Joseph Correa de Serra | 1798 |
L&P/11/5 | Paper, 'On the frucitification of the submersed algae' by Joseph Correa de Serra | 1796 |