
Authorised form of nameJones; Henry Bence (1813 - 1873); physician and chemist
Dates1813 - 1873
Place of birthThorington Hall, Suffolk, England
Date of birth31 December 1813
Place of deathHis house in Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, London, England
Date of death20 April 1873
DatesAndPlacesBurial: Kensal Green Cemetery, London, England
Research fieldMedicine
Hingham, Norfolk; private school in Putney; Harrow School; Trinity College, Cambridge. BA (1836), MA (1840), MB (1845), and MD (1849)
Worked for an apothecary (1838); enrolled to study medicine at St George's Hospital (by 1846), studied chemistry at University College, London (1839); went to Giessen in Germany to work at chemistry with Liebig (1841); elected assistant physician to St George's Hospital (1845) and full physician (1846); discovered a protein in the urine of patients with multiple myeloma (1848); delivered a course of lectures entitled 'Animal chemistry in its application to stomach and renal diseases' (1849); resigned from St George's Hospital and expanded his private practice (1862); member of the royal commission on the cattle plague (1865); president of the chemical section at the British Association meetings in Nottingham (1866); became ill with fluid on the chest and a weak hear (1866–7).
Council of the College of Chemistry (1846)
Licentiate Royal College of Physicians (1842)
FRCP (1849)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election30/04/1846
Age at election33
ProposerGeorge Owen Rees; John Ayrton Paris; Thomas Graham; Benjamin Collins Brodie; John Bostock; Francis Beaufort; George Fownes; William Bowman; Robert Bentley Todd; William Allen Miller; Hugh Falconer
RelationshipsParents: Lieutenant-Colonel William Jones (1776–1843), 5th dragoon guards, of Lisselane, co. Cork, Ireland, and Theberton Hall, Saxmundham, Suffolk, and Matilda (1791–1869), daughter of the Revd Bence Bence (1747–1824) of Thorington Hall, Suffolk, rector of Beccles.
Siblings: William Bence Jones, prominent agriculturist, who married Caroline Dickinson (a daughter of William Dickinson, MP)
Spouse: Lady Millicent Acheson (d. 1887), daughter of the second earl of Gosford (1842)
Children: three sons and four daughters
PublishedWorksRCN 46343
OtherInfoDiscovered a protein in the urine of patients with multiple myeloma, related to the immunoglobulins, it was later called ‘Bence Jones protein’.
As physician to many prominent Victorians, he assisted Florence Nightingale in her endeavour to improve standards of public and hospital hygiene, and Charles West in founding the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children.
Bulloch's Roll; DNB
Birth date from Boase, birth place from DNB
N G Coley, 'Henry Bence-Jones, MD, FRS (1813-1873)' in NR 1973-4 vol 28 pp 31-56, plate
DNB gives year of birth as 1814
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1846/21Jones, Henry Bence: certificate of election to the Royal Society
MS/743/1/13Testimonial by Henry Bence Jones, 31 Lower Brook Street, on behalf of [John Hall] Gladstone20 June 1855
MS/743/1/19Testimonial by Henry Bence Jones, 31 Brook Street, on behalf of John Hall Gladstone 9 July 1857
RR/3/161Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'Experimental researches on the functions of the mucous membrane of the gall-bladder, principally with reference to the conversion of hepatic into cystic bile' by George Kemp27 October 1856
RR/2/122Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the acidity, sweetness, and strength of wine, beer and spirits' by Henry Bence Jones7 February 1854
RR/1/124Referee's report by George Leith Roupell and George Owen Rees 'Contributions to the chemistry of the urine. Part II - On the variations in the alkaline and Earthy phosphates in disease' by Henry Bence Jones23 May 1846
RR/5/139Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'On a colloid acid, a normal constituent of human urine' by William Marcet7 July 1864
NLB/62/874Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to A. B. Bence-Jones Esquire; 11 King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.4.24 May 1922
MS/426/373Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr H [Henry] Bence Jones9 May 1849
IM/Maull/002445Jones, Henry Bencend
RR/5/130Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the rate of passage of crystalloids into and out of the vascular and non-vascular textures of the body' by Henry Bence Jones25 June 1865
RR/2/175Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'On some of the products of the decomposition of nitrotoluylic acid' by Henry Minchin Noad22 February 1854
RR/3/213Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones on a paper 'An experimental inquiry into the alleged sugar-forming function of the liver' by Frederick William Pavy31 July 1858
RR/6/26Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'An attempt to apply chemical principles in explanation of the action of poisons' by William Henry Broadbent3 July 1868
PT/35/9iPaper, 'Appendix to a paper on the variations of the acidity of the urine in the state of health' by Henry Bence Jones[1849]
PT/39/5Paper, 'Contributions to the chemistry of the urine. Paper III. Part IV' by H [Henry] Bence Jones[1850]
PT/31/1Paper, 'Contributions to the chemistry of the urine. Pt [Part] II. On the variations in the alkaline and earthy phosphates in disease' by Henry Bence Jones[1846]
PT/34/3Paper, 'On a new substance occurring in the urine of a patient with mollities ossium' by Henry Bence Jones[1847]
PT/39/4Paper, 'Second appendix to a paper on the acidity of the urine in health' by Henry Bence Jones[1850]
PT/39/6Paper, 'Contributions to the chemistry of the urine. Paper IV, on so called chylous urine' by H [Henry] Bence Jones[1850]
PT/46/5Paper, 'On the dissolution of urinary calculi in dilute saline fluids at the temperature of the body by the acid [sic] of electricity' by H [Henry] Bence Jones[1852]
RR/2/117Referee's report by Golding Bird, on a paper 'On the oxidation of ammonia in the human body' by Henry Bence Jones10 March 1851
RR/3/250Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'Enquiries into the quality of air repsired each quarter of an hour of the day and night and under the influence of various kinds of exercise, food and medicine and temperature' by Edward Smith4 June 1857
RR/4/197Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'Researches on sugar formation in the liver' by Frederick William Pavy24 July 1860
MC/5/126Letter from Arthur H [Hill] Hassall, licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, 8 Bennett Street, St James' Street, to C R [Charles Richard] Weld, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society26 November 1853
PT/42/2Paper, 'Contributions to animal chemistry. Paper V. On the oxidation of ammonia in the human body, with some remarks on nitrification' by Henry Bence Jones1850
RR/2/116Referee's report by William Allen Miller, on a paper 'On the oxidation of ammonia in the human body' by Henry Bence Jones3 March 1851
MC/5Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1851-1858
PT/35/9Paper, 'Contributions to the chemistry of the urine' by Henry Bence Jones[1848]
RR/1/128Referee's report by William Thomas Brande, on a paper 'Contributions to the chemistry of the urine - Paper III' by Henry Bence Jones1 July 1848
RR/2/123Referee's report by William Allen Miller, on a paper 'On the acidity, sweetness, and strength of wine, beer and spirits' by Henry Bence Jones16 February 1854
MC/8/432Letter from H [Henry] Bence Jones, Royal Institution, Albemarle Street, to Lieutenant General Sir Edward Sabine, President of the Royal Society 25 October 1869
MC/9/246Letter from H [Henry] Bence Jones, Folkestone, to Sir James [Paget]5 August 1871
AP/34/11Unpublished paper, 'On the amount of acid, sugar and alcohol in wine, beer and spirits' by Henry Bence Jones1853
MC/9/521Letter from H [Henry] Bence Jones, 84 Brook Street, to the Royal Society18 March 1873
MC/9Volume 9 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1870-June 1873
RR/2/21Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'An experimental inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any and what signs of current force are manifested during the organic process of nutrition (assimilation) in living animals' by Henry Foster Baxter18 February 1853
RR/2/23Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'An experimental Inquiry undertaken with the view of ascertaining whether any force is evolved during muscular contraction analogous to the force evolved in the fish, gymnotus, and torpedo' by Henry Foster Baxter4 June 1855
RR/2/86Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'On the frequent occurrence of indigo in human urine, and on its chemical and physiological relations' by Arthur Hill Hassall3 November 1853
AP/37/2Paper, 'On the oxidation of ammonia in the human body' by Henry Bence Jones1854
RR/2/186Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'An experimental inquiry into the nature of the metamorphosis of saccharine matter, as a normal process of the animal economy' by Frederick William Pavy17 June 1855
RR/2/120Referee's report by William Allen Miller, on a paper 'On the dissolution of urinary calculi in dilute saline fluids, at the temperature of the body, by the aid of electricity' by Henry Bence Jones9 February 1853
RR/3/129Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'On the condition of the oxygen absorbed into the blood during respiration' by George Harley15 May 1856
RR/3/189Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'On the action of bile upon fats; with additional observations on excretine' by William Marcet31 July 1858
RR/4/235Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'Experiments on food; its destination and uses' by William Scovell Savory1862
AP/46/3Unpublished paper, 'On the functions of the cerebellum' by William Howship Dickinson1864
RR/5/71Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'On the application of physiological tests for certain organic poisons, and especially digitaline' by C Hilton Fagge and Thomas Stevenson4 June 1865
MC/8Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1867-1869
RR/2/55Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'Some observations on the ova of the Salmonidae' by John Davy26 January 1854
RR/5/131Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'On the rate of passage of crystalloids into and out of the vascular and non-vascular textures of the body' by Henry Bence Jones13 July 1865
RR/2/118Referee's report by Benjamin Collins Brodie, on a paper 'Contributions to animal chemistry. —Paper V. On the oxidation of ammonia in the human body, with some remarks on nitrification' by Henry Bence Jones20 January 1853
RR/2/119Referee's report by Benjamin Collins Brodie, on a paper 'On the dissolution of urinary calculi in dilute saline fluids, at the temperature of the body, by the aid of electricity' by Henry Bence Jones3 February 1853
RR/2/121Second referee's report by William Allen Miller, on a paper 'On the dissolution of urinary calculi in dilute saline fluids, at the temperature of the body, by the aid of electricity' by Henry Bence Jones9 March 1853
RR/5/21Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'On the effect of temperature on the secretion of urea as observed on a voyage to China, and at Hong Kong' by Emil Becher3 April 1863
RR/5/94Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'On the influence of physical and chemical agents upon blood; with special reference to the mutual action of the blood and the respiratory gases' by George Harley20 June 1864
RR/5/152Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'On the amyloid substance of the liver, and its ultimate destination in the animal economy' by Robert McDonnell24 May 1863
HS/10/338Letter, from Henry Bence Jones to Sir John Herschel, dated at 84 Brook St.17 June 1869
HS/10/337Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Bence Jones, dated at Collingwood27 July 1864
HS/10/340Letter, from Henry Bence Jones to Sir John Herschel, dated at 84 Brook St.6 July 1868
HS/10/339Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Bence Jones, dated at Collingwood19 June 1869
HS/10/341Letter, from Henry Bence Jones to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Institutionundated
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