Authorised form of name | Ranby; John (1703 - 1773) |
Dates | 1703 - 1773 |
Nationality | British |
Date of birth | 1703 |
Place of death | His apartments in Chelsea Hospital, London |
Date of death | 28 August 1773 |
DatesAndPlaces | Burial: South-west portion of the burying-ground attached to Chelsea Hospital, London |
Occupation | Surgeon |
Activity | Education: Apprenticed to Edward Barnard Career: Surgeon-in-ordinary to the King's Household (1738); Sergeant-Surgeon to George II (1740), Principal Sergeant-Surgeon (1743); accompanied George II to Germany (1743), where he was present at the Battle of Dettingen and treated the Duke of Cumberland; was instrumental in obtaining a charter for the Company of Surgeons (as distinct from the Barber-Surgeons); Surgeon to Chelsea Hospital (1752); had a large practice in London and is mentioned by Henry Fielding in 'Tom Jones'; operated on Queen Caroline for a hernia, from which she died Memberships: Company of Barber-Surgeons; Company of Surgeons (Master 1745, 1751, 1752)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 30/11/1724 |
Relationships | Son of Joseph Ranby of St Giles in the Fields, Middlesex; married to Jane, daughter of Dacre Barrett Lennard (FRS 1705) |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DNB; Burke References: Gentleman's Magazine 1773, p415 (obituary) London Magazine 1773, p465 (obituary) Notes: In Printed list to 1724 |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Code | NA3287 |
RefNo | Title | Date |
EL/R1/69 | Letter, from John Ranby to James Jurin | nd |
CLP/15ii/12 | Paper, 'Some observations made on opening a cormorant shot at the tower' by John Ranby | [1728] |
RBO/11/111 | 'Account of the Dissection of an Eye with a Cataract' by John Ranby, surgeon | 1723 |
CLP/12ii/34 | Paper, 'A short account of opening the body of a man 70' by Mr [John] Ranby | [1727] |
RBO/14/114 | 'Some Observations made in the Dissection of three Subjects' by John Ranby, surgeon | 1730 |
CLP/12ii/48 | Paper, 'Some observations made in the dissection of three subjects' by [John Ranby] | [1730] |
CLP/12ii/37 | Paper, 'Some observations made in the dissections of two subjects' by [John] Ranby | [1727] |
CLP/12ii/24/2 | Plate, kidneys and arteries by J G [Johann Gaspar] Scheuchzer | [1725] |
CLP/12ii/18 | Paper, 'An account of a dissection of an eye with a cataract' by Mr [John] Ranby | [1723] |
CLP/12ii/32 | Paper, 'Two newly discover'd arteries in women, going to the ovaria' by Mr [John] Ranby | [1726] |
CLP/12ii/50 | Paper, account of Richard Castell's child who died of smallpox by Conrad Sprengell [Sprengwell], Alexander Gordon, John Ranby, and Richard Castell | 2 April 1730 |
CLP/15ii/1 | Paper, 'Some observations made in an ostrich [Struthio camelus] dissected by order of Hans Sloane' by John Ranby | [1724] |
RBO/12/80 | Two newly discovered arteries passing to women's ovaria by John Ranby | 1726 |
CLP/15ii/7 | Paper, 'The anatomy of the poisonous apparatus of the rattlesnake made by the direction of Hans Sloane' by John Ranby | [1727] |
CLP/12ii/53 | Paper, 'An account of what appeard most remarkable, on opening the body of Ann Edwards, who dy'd January 5 1730 having a large umbelical [umbilical] rupture' by John Ranby | [January 1730] |
CLP/12ii/24/1 | Manuscript, 'An enquiry into a discovery said to have been made by Signor Valsalva of Bologna, of an excretory duct from the glandula renalis to the epididymis' by John Ranby | [1725] |
CLP/12ii/24 | Paper, 'An enquiry into a discovery said to have been made by Signor Valsalva of Bologna, of an excretory duct from the glandula renalis to the epididymis' by John Ranby | [1725] |
RBO/12/21 | 'An Enquiry into a Discovery said to have been made by Signor Valsalva of Bologna of an Excretory Duct from the 'Glandula Renalis' to the Epididymis' by John Ranby | 1725 |
RBO/15/40 | John Ranby's account of a post-mortem of a woman who had a large umbilical rupture | 1730 |
RBO/12/7 | 'Some Observations made on an Ostrich dissected by Order of Sir Hans Sloane Baronet' by John Ranby Surgeon | 1724 |
RBO/13/21 | Observations of human anatomy by Mr Ranby | 1727 |
RBO/13/15 | 'The Anatomy of the poisonous Apparatus of a Rattle Snake made by the Direction of Sir Hans Sloane' and 'an Account of the quick Effects of the Poison by John Ranby' | 1727 |
RBO/13/70 | Concerns cutting the sarcoma or fleshy excrescence of the uterus without danger of life with the woman restored to her former health by John Ranby | 1728 |