Authorised form of name | Beckwith; Athelstan Laurence Johnson (1930 - 2010) |
Dates | 1930 - 2010 |
Nationality | Australian |
Date of birth | 20/02/1930 |
Date of death | 05/05/2010 |
Activity | Education: Perth Modern School; University of Washington; Oxford University. BSc (Washington); DPhil (Oxford) Career: Resident Officer, CSIRO, Melbourne (1957); Lecturer (1958-1961), Senior Lecturer (1962-1963), Reader (1964), Professor (1965), Adelaide University; Professor of Organic Chemistry (1981), Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University Memberships: FAA; Royal Australian Chemical Institute (President)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 17/03/1988 |
Age at election | 58 |
Relationships | Son of L A Beckwith; married (10 January 1953) Phyllis, daughter of W K Marshall; one son, two daughters |
Source | Sources: WWA1998 |
Code | NA3907 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1988/02 | Beckwith, Athelstan Laurence Johnson: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 1981 |