Authorised form of name | Polani; Paul Emanuel (1914 - 2006) |
Other forms of name | Paolo Emanuele |
Dates | 1914 - 2006 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Trieste, Italy |
Date of birth | 01/01/1914 |
Date of death | 18/02/2006 |
Occupation | Geneticist in paediatric research |
Activity | Education: Liceo Francesco Petrarca, Trieste; Medical Student in Siena; Scuola Normale Superiore at Pisa, (MD degree in 1938 with a thesis in neurophysiology) Career: Left Italy in 1939, arrived in London hoping to do postgraduate studies but was prevented by the outbreak of war, enrolled as ship's surgeon lieutenant on a merchant vessel bound for the Far East. In 1940, when Italy entered the war, he was interned as an enemy alien on the Isle of Man. Together with two other interned doctors, a psychiatrist and a pathologist, Polani ran the camp hospital. Released 1941, appointed medical and surgical officer at the Evelina Children's Hospital in Southwark; joined the paediatric department at Guy's Hospital in 1948, funded by a two-year fellowship from the National Birthday Trust. He studied kernicterus, a severe form of jaundice that was once common in newborn babies and which causes brain damage. He also trained in genetics at University College. Assistant to Director, Department of Child Health, Guy's Hospital Medical School (1950-1955); Director, Paediatric Research Unit (1960-1983); Director, Medical Research Unit, National Spastic Society (1955-1960); Prince Philip Professor of Paediatric Research, London University (1960-1980) (Emeritus); Director, South East Thames Regional Genetics Centre (1976-1982). |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 15/03/1973 |
Age at election | 59 |
Source | Obituaries: 'The Independent' (21 March 2006) |
Code | NA3943 |
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