Authorised form of name | Gutfreund; Herbert (1921 - 2021); biochemist |
Dates | 1921 - 2021 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Vienna, Austria, Europe |
Date of birth | 21/10/1921 |
Date of death | 21/03/2021 |
Occupation | Chemist; Dairyman |
Research field | Enzymology |
Biochemistry |
Proteins |
Activity | Education: Began working part time agerd 14; emigrated to the UK from Austria in 1938 (after the Anschluss) as part of an agricultural training scheme organised by the YMCA 'British Boys for British Farms' and trained as a dairyman; no official academic qualifications prior to Cambridge University, PhD in physics. Career: Assistant to Head of Colloid Chemistry Division, Semperit Rubber Company, Vienna (1935) where he worked under Paul Stamberger whose laboratory collaborated with Wolfgang Pauli senior, head of the Instituit fur Medizinische Kolloid Chemie, University of Vienna; Dairyman, Westmoreland (1938-1941); Milk Marketing Board cheese factory, Aspatria, Cumberland; Laboratory technician, Department of Pathology, Liverpool University, whilst in this post he carried out independent research into use of electrodecantation to separate proteins and without a change of job title later began to carry out research work for a bovine plasma project due to the expertise he had built up on proteins and with the backing of Professor Channon of the Liverpool University Biochemistry Department; Research Assistant, Biochemistry Department, Imperial College, London under A C Chibnall (1943); moved to University of Cambridge with Chibnall as research student (Sep 1943-1947); Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Cooloid Chemistry, University of Cambridge (1947-1956) during which time he frequented the Eagle Pub with Francis Crick and other members of the Department of Physics and later Laboratory of Molecular Biology; National Institute for Research in Dairying, Shinfield, Berkshire (1956-1965); Department of Biochemistry, University of Bristol (1965-1986), retired 1986 and became Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry thereafter |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 19/03/1981 |
Age at election | 59 |
PublishedWorks | |
Source | Sources: Royal Society profile page (, accessed 6 May 2021) Gutfreund, Herbert (2007). "How I Became a Biochemist: An Honorary One!". IUBMB Life. 59 (11): 734–737. doi:10.1080/15216540701551775. Gutfreund, H. I was lucky, I was there at the right time. CMLS, Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 61, 1–3 (2004). Professor H Gutfreund FRS, 1921 – 2021 by Stephen Halford (Obituary), School of Biochemistry, University of Bristol (, accessed 6 May 2021) |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Code | NA4012 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
IM/001816 | Gutfreund, Herbert | circa 1983 |
MS/909/3/3 | File of Keith Dalziel 'Cornish-Bowden DSc' | 1984 |
HGU | Papers of Herbert Gutfreund FRS, biochemist | 1945 - 2012 |
EC/1981/18 | Gutfreund, Herbert: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 1976 |