Authorised form of name | Rooke; Lawrence (1622 - 1662); astronomer |
Dates | 1622 - 1662 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Deptford, Kent, England, Europe |
Date of birth | 13 March 1622 |
Place of death | Gresham College, London, England, Europe |
Date of death | 27 June 1662 |
DatesAndPlaces | Burial: St Martin's Outwich, Threadneedle Street, London, England, Europe |
Research field | Astronomy |
Activity | Education: Eton College; King's College, Cambridge (admitted 19 June 1639; BA (1643); MA (1647)); Wadham College, Oxford (admitted 1650) Career: Fellow of King's College (1643); Retired to his estate in Kent (1647); Fellow-Commoner at Wadham College, Oxford (1650); Assisted Robert Boyle (FRS 1660) with his chemical experiments; Professor of Astronomy, Gresham College (1652-1657); Featured in Seth Ward's 'De cometis' (1654); Professor of Geometry (1657-1662); Intended to complete observations on Jupiter before his death
Membership category | Founder Fellow |
Date of election | 30/11/1660 |
Other Royal Society activity | First official meeting of the Royal Society held in his quarters at Gresham College on 28 November 1660 |
Relationships | Parents: George Rooke and Mary Burrell Married: Barbara Heyman Children: four daughters and five sons |
OtherInfo | While Rooke's astronomical work received much attention during his lifetime and shortly after, he has not become a 'household name' in the astronomy community. With the expansion of the colonialism and an increase in the Royal Society's travels to the East and West Indies, he was instructed to write a set of instructions and directions for seamen, which were published in 'Philosophical Transactions'. |
Related images | Discover a selection of related images in our picture library |
Source | Sources: DNB; DSB; Venn; Foster; Ward; Hunter References: Ronan, C A. 1960. 'Laurence Rooke (1622-1662)', in Notes and Records, vol. 15, pp. 113-118 Thrower, N J W. 2003. 'Samuel Pepys FRS (1633-1733) and The Royal Society', in Notes and Records, vol. 57, pp. 3-13 Gribbin, J. 2004. 'The Fellowship' (Penguin Books) |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Code | NA6303 |
RefNo | Title | Date |
RBO/1/35 | 'Direction for the Observations of the Eclipses of the Moone by Mr Rooke' | nd |
RBC/1/41 | 'An Account of an Experiment made with Oile in the Long Tube By Mr Rooke and Mr Goddard' | 1662 |
CLP/8i/1 | Paper, 'Concerning the observations of the eclipses of the satellites of Jupiter' by Mr Rook [Lawrence Rooke] | 1661 |
RBO/1/38 | 'An Account of an Experiment made with Oyle in the Long Tube' by Lawrence Rooke and Jonathan Goddard | 17 April 1662 |
CLP/3i/43 | Paper, 'Lex naturae de collisione corporum' ['The law of nature concerning the collision of bodies'] by Christopher Wren | [1668] |
CLP/8i/4 | Paper, 'Direction for the observations of the eclipse of the Moone' by Mr Rook [Lawrence Rooke] | 1662 |
RBO/1/33 | 'Direction for Sea-men bound for farre voyages' by Mr Rooke | nd |
RBO/2i/3 | 'Mr Rook's Discourse concerning the Observations of the Eclipses of the Satellites of Jupiter' | 10 July 1661 |