Authorised form of name | Rittenhouse; David (1732 - 1796) |
Dates | 1732 - 1796 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Paper Mill Run, near Germantown, Pennsylvania |
Date of birth | 08 April 1732 |
Place of death | Philadephia, Pennsylvania, USA |
Date of death | 26 June 1796 |
Occupation | Scientific instrument maker |
Research field | Technology |
Astronomy |
Natural philosophy |
Activity | Career: Established himself as a clock and mathematical instrument maker in Norriston (1751); took up astronomy (1768); moved to Philadelphia (1770) and studied the electrical properties of the electric eel and surveyed the levels of the lands between the Suquehama and Delaware Rivers; constructed cannon of iron and of brass; elected Member of the Assembly from Philadelphia (1776); elected State Treasurer (1777-1789); Professor of Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania (1779-1782); Secretary of the American Philosophical Society (1771), Vice President (1786) and President (1790-1796) First experiment in the New World to make crosshairs with spider silk for his astronomical instruments. Described his experience to Reverend John Ewing (1732-1802) the first provost of the University of Pennsylvania, in a letter read before the members of the American Philosophical Society and then published in 1786 in the Society's 'Transactions'. "I have lately with no small dificulty placed the thread of a spider in some of my instruments, it has a beautiful effect, it is not one tenth the size of a silkworm, and is rounder and more evenly of a thickness". Memberships: American Philosophical Society (1768) |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 16/04/1795 |
Relationships | Eldest son of Matthias Rittenhous |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DAB; DSB References: Frank R Freemon, 'American Colonial Scientists Who Published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society' in NR 1984-85 vol 39 pp 191-206 Notes: Bulloch's Roll has birth place as Roxburgh, PA |
Code | NA6502 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1795/08 | Rittenhouse, David: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/003833 | Rittenhouse, David | nd |
IM/003834 | Rittenhouse, David | nd |