
Authorised form of nameChamberlayne; John (c 1666 - 1723); translator and literary editor
Datesc 1666 - 1723
Place of birthIn or near London, England
Date of birthc 1666
Place of deathPetty-France [now York Street], Westminster, London
Date of death02 November 1723
Chelsea churchyard, Middlesex, England (6 November 1723)
OccupationCourtier; Author
Trinity College, Oxford (matriculated 1685); Leyden (admitted 1688)
Gentleman Waiter to Prince George of Denmark; Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Queen Anne and George I; Secretary to the Commission for Queen Anne's Bounty; Commissioner of the Peace for Middlesex; knew sixteen languages; founding member and first secretary of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK); first secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel; issued five editions of 'The present state of England' originally published by his father.
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election06/05/1702
RelationshipsParents: Edward Chamberlayne (FRS 1668) and Susannah (née Clifford)
PublishedWorksRCN 52784
RCN 56953
OtherInfoHad peripheral involvement in the great Newton/Leibnitz dispute.
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Bulloch's Roll; DNB; Foster
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
EL/L4/78Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to the Royal Society1722
EL/L4/68Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to the Royal Society1721
EL/B2/79Letter, from Mr Bosheiden to John Chamberlayne14 March 1715
LBO/15/35Copy translation of letter from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to John Chamberlayne28 April 1714
EL/R1/58Letter, from Reland to John Chamberlayne25 February 1715
EL/T/64Extract of a letter, from Ralph Thoresby to John Chamberlayne, dated at Leeds5 February 1715
EL/K/24Letter, from Gregory King to John Chamberlayne, dated at Queen's Street Westminster27 April 1711
CLP/10iii/41Paper, 'A method for making sugar from the maple tree in N [New] England' by Paul Dudley[1719]
EL/L4/32Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to John Chamberlayne1709
CLP/15i/68Paper, 'Description of the moose deer in America' by Paul DudleyMay 1721
EL/L4/82Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to the Royal Society1722
EL/T/62Letter, from Ralph Thoresby to John Chamberlayne, dated at Leeds6 December 1712
EL/L3/68aTranslated extract of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to John Chamberlayne1704
EL/B2/65Copy of a letter, from Thomas Banister to John Chamberlayne, dated at Boston, New England4 January 1711
EL/B2/63Letter, from Arthur Bury to John Chamberlayne at Westminster, dated at Compton8 March 1707
EL/R1/60Letter, from Richard Roach to John Chamberlayne, dated at Bloxham14 June 1722
EL/L4/30Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to John Chamberlayne1709
EL/C2/39Letter, from John Chamberlayne to John Thorpe, dated at Petty France23 October 1713
EL/C2/41Letter, from John Chamberlayne [to the Royal Society], dated at Petty France10 February 1715
EL/A/53Letter, from John Arbuthnot to Justice [John] Chamberlayne30 April 1711
EL/C2/40Letter, from John Chamberlayne [to the Royal Society], dated at Petty France15 July 1714
EL/L4/7Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to John Chamberlayne, dated at Delft17 May 1707
EL/C2/38Letter, from John Chamberlayne to [Paul] Dudley, dated at Petty France, containing a copy of [Paul Dudley]'s answer1701
EL/C2/43Letter, from John Chamberlayne [to the Royal Society], dated at Petty France23 May 1722
EL/L3/32Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to John Chamberlayne1701
EL/L3/46Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to John Chamberlayne8 December 1702
EL/D1/59Letter, from William Derham to John Chamberlayne, dated at Upminster22 August 1713
EL/D1/72Letter, from Paul Dudley to John Chamberlayne, dated at Boston20 June 1719
EL/L3/72Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to John Chamberlayne, dated at Delft3 March 1705
CLP/4i/57Letter, 'An account of lightning in the parish of Sampford Courtenay in Devon [England]' from unknown author to John Chamberlayne1711
EL/K/25Letter, from Gregory King to John Chamberlayne, dated at Queen's Street Westminster3 May 1711
EL/L5/113Translation of a letter, from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to John Chamberlayne, dated at Vienna1700
EL/T/61Letter, from Ralph Thoresby to John Chamberlayne, dated at London22 August 1712
EL/L3/73Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to John Chamberlayne1705
EL/C2/42Letter, from John Chamberlayne [to the Royal Society], dated at Petty France30 May 1722
EL/L6/8Letter, from Richard Loving to John Chamberlayne, dated at Cowes2 February 1704
EL/L4/29Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to John Chamberlayne, dated at Delft10 September 1709
EL/L3/31Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to John Chamberlayne, dated at Delft21 June 1701
EL/L5/112Letter, from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to John Chamberlayne, dated at Vienna28 April 1714
EL/L3/68Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to John Chamberlayne, dated at Delft3 October 1704
EL/L4/31Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to John Chamberlayne, dated at Delft22 November 1709
CLP/14ii/3Paper, 'Observations of the plague in Copenhagen' by John Chamberlayne[1712]
RBO/11/31'A Description of the Moose Deer in America by the Honourable Paul Dudley' communicated by John Chamberlayne1721
EL/D1/73Copy of a letter, from Paul Dudley to John Chamberlayne, dated at Boston15 March 1720
EL/D1/75Letter, from Paul Dudley to John Chamberlayne, dated at Roxburg14 April 1722
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