Authorised form of name | Hardy; Sir; Alister Clavering (1896 - 1985) |
Dates | 1896 - 1985 |
Date of birth | 10 February 1896 |
Date of death | 22/05/1985 |
Research field | Oceanography |
Activity | Education: Oundle School; DSc (Oxon). Career: Linacre Professor of Zoology, Oxford University (1945-1961); Professor of Zoology and Oceanograghy, University College, Hull; founder of the Religious Experience Research Unit, Manchester College, Oxford (1969) Honours: Kt 1957
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 14/03/1940 |
RSActivity | Royal Society roles: VP 1948-1949 |
Source | AssocMaterial: NCUACS 5/4/88. Papers deposited in Bodleian Library, Oxford Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1986 vol 32 pp 221-273, plate, by N B Marshall References: G E Fogg, 'The Royal Society and the Antarctic' in NR 2000 vol 54 pp 85-98 |
Code | NA7080 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
GLB/52/10 | Brown to Alister Hardy | April 1968 |
GLB/19/1/41 | Sir Alister Hardy, Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, Oxford to Brown | 3 February 1960 |
IM/GA/WRS/9546 | Hardy, Sir Alister Clavering | nd |
IM/001941 | Hardy, Sir Alister Clavering | circa 1981 |
NLB/73/297 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Alister Clavering] Hardy, University College, Hull | 8 May 1931 |
IM/000115 | Antarctic Expedition 1937 | nd |
IM/GA/WS/3329 | Hardy, Sir Alister Clavering | nd |
EC/1940/10 | Hardy, Sir Alister Clavering: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
MS/903 | Correspondence between Dr Richard B McConnell and Sir Alister Hardy FRS | 1966 - 1973 |
RR/78/6 | Referee's report by Alister Clavering Hardy, on a paper 'A primitive dipnoan fish from the Lower Devonian of Germany' by W Lehmann and Thomas Stanley Westoll | 25 March 1952 |
RR/74/36 | Referee's report by Alister Clavering Hardy, on a paper 'The migration of the desert locust. II. A theory of long-range migrations' by John Stodart Kennedy | 13 July 1950 |
RR/74/34 | Referee's report by Alister Clavering Hardy, on a paper 'The migration of the desert locust. (Schistocerca gregaria Forsk.). I. The behaviour of swarms' by John Stodart Kennedy | 13 July 1950 |