
Authorised form of nameOrtous de Mairan; Jean Jacques d' (1678 - 1771); natural philosopher
Other forms of nameJean Jacques d'Ortous de
Jean Jacques
Other forms of surnameMairan
d'Ortous de Mairan
Dates1678 - 1771
Date of birth26 November 1678
Date of death20 February 1771
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election23/01/1735
Bulloch's Roll
J S Rowlinson, 'Le Sage's Essai de chymie mechanique' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 35-45
J P Zinsser, 'Mentors, the marquise Du Chatelet and historical memory' in NR 2007 vol 61 pp 89-108
Archives associated with this Fellow
MM/20/23Letter from Jean Jacques d'Ortus de Mairan to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society9 May 1736
MM/20/24Letter from Jean Jacques d'Ortus de Mairan to Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary, Royal Society18 March 1741
LBO/20/103Copy letter from Jean Jaques Ortous de Mairan, Paris, to Hans Sloane18 December 1733
CLP/22ii/62Paper, Account of Monsieur [Jean Jacques d'Ortous] de Mairan's paper 'Traite physique et historique de l' Aurore Boreale or philosophical and historical treatise on the Aurora Boreale [Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights]' [by John Eames]c.1733
EC/1734/15Ortous de Mairan, Jean Jacques d': certificate of election to the Royal Society23 January 1735
IM/001192Ortous de Mairan, Jean Jacques d'nd
MS/790/33Letter from Jean-Jacques d'Ortous de Mairan, Secretary, Academie des Sciences, Paris, to [Martin Folkes] 5 May 1742
MS/790/35Letter from Jean-Jacques d'Ortous de Mairan, Paris, to Martin Folkes 25 March 1744
MS/790/34Letter from Jean-Jacques d'Ortous de Mairan, Paris, to [Martin Folkes] 2 January 1744
CLP/7ii/5Paper, 'A dissertation concerning the figure of the Earth. Part the second' by J T [John Theophilus] Desaguliers1725
CLP/7ii/5/1Manuscript, 'A dissertation concerning the figure of the Earth. Part the second' by J T [John Theophilus] Desaguliers1725
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