RefNo | Title | Date |
MM/21/21 | Obituary of John Phillips in 'The Graphic' | 23 May 1874 |
IM/003575 | Phillips, John | nd |
MS/710/83 | Letter from John Phillips, York, to Robert Were Fox, Falmouth | 2 April 1836 |
MM/21/19 | Letter from John Phillips | 22 November 1866 |
MS/710/84 | Letter from John Phillips, Royal Hotel, Manchester, to Robert Were Fox | 2 November 1840 |
MM/21/20 | Letter from John Phillips to the Sir Edward Sabine, President, Royal Society | 27 December 1867 |
MS/257/3/266 | Letter from John Phillips to Edward Sabine | 16 December [1800-1874] |
IM/Maull/003574 | Phillips, John | 27 June 1860 |
MS/119/1/39 | Letter from John Phillips, Royal Institution, Liverpool to Humphrey Lloyd, Trinity College, Dublin | 21 August 1837 |
MS/119/1/32 | Letter from John Phillips, St Clair's, Ryde, Isle of Wight to Humphrey Lloyd, Trinity College, Dublin | 23 July 1837 |
MS/119/1/31 | Letter from John Phillips, Birmingham to Humphrey Lloyd, Trinity College, Dublin | 4 July 1837 |
MS/119/1/38 | Letter from John Phillips to Humphrey Lloyd, Trinity College, Dublin | 5 August 1857 |
RR/3/269 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On some physical properties of ice' by John Tyndall | 19 March 1858 |
RR/3/267 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On the structure and motion of glaciers' by John Tyndall and Thomas Henry Huxley | 16 March 1857 |
MS/257/3/257 | Letter from John Phillips, St Mary's Lodge, York to Edward Sabine | 29 September 1856 |
RR/7/336 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On the comparative value of certain geological ages (or groups of formations) considered as items of geological time' by Andrew Crombie Ramsay | 26 March 1874 |
MS/257/3/256 | Letter from John Phillips, St Mary's Lodge, York to Edward Sabine | 2 November 1853 |
MS/257/3/259 | Letter from John Phillips, Oxford to Edward Sabine | 1 November 1856 |
MS/257/3/255 | Letter from John Phillips, St Mary's Lodge, York to Edward Sabine | 29 October 1853 |
AP/46/2/3 | Unpublished letter, regarding 'Experimental researches on spontaneous generation' from John Phillips to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 23 May 1864 |
AP/45/10/4 | Unpublished letter, regarding 'On the telescopic appearance of the planet Mars' from John Phillips to James Nasmyth | 14 February 1863 |
MS/426/174 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to John Phillips Eqs | 20 December 1845 |
MS/426/177 | Copy letter from C R W [Charles Richard Weld], the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to John Phillips Esq, York | 22 December 1845 |
RR/4/268 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On the physical phenomena of glaciers - Part I - Observations on the mer de glace' by John Tyndall | 28 October 1859 |
RR/1/103 | Letter from John Phillips, on a paper 'An account of some observations made on the depth of rain which falls in the same localities at different altitudes in the hilly districts of Lancashire, Cheshire and Derbyshire' by S C Homersham | 19 June 1843 |
EC/1834/21 | Phillips, John: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
MS/257/3/254 | Letter from John Phillips, St Mary's Lodge, York to Edward Sabine | 12 August 1853 |
RR/2/158 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On the meteorology of the Lake District of Cumberland and Westmoreland, including the results of experiments on the fall of rain at various heights, up to 3166 feet above the sea-level.—Fourth paper, for the year 1850' by John Fletcher Miller | 17 April 1851 |
RR/5/239 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'Numerical elements of Indian meteorology' by Hermann De Schlagintweit | 29 June 1863 |
RR/5/110 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On the joint-systems of Ireland and Cornwall, and their mechanical origin' by Samuel Haughton | 6 June 1864 |
MC/5/76 | Letter from John Phillips, St Mary's Lodge, York, to the Royal Society | 21 December 1852 |
MC/5/258 | Letter from John Phillips, Assistant General Secretary at the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, to [George Gabriel Stokes and William Sharpey], the Secretaries of the Royal Society | 1 September 1856 |
MS/426/565 | Copy letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer of the Royal Society; to Padre Secchie | 14 April 1856 |
MC/5 | Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1851-1858 |
MC/7/45 | Letter from John Phillips to [Sir Edward] Sabine, [President of the Royal Society] | 6 April 1864 |
MC/7/128 | Letter from John Phillips, Oxford, to W [Walter] White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 25 October 1864 |
MC/7/314 | Letter from John Phillips, University Museum Oxford, to [William Sharpey and George Gabriel Stokes], Secretaries of the Royal Society | 27 March 1866 |
MC/7 | Volume 7 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1864-1866 |
RR/2/161 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On the meteorology of the English Lake District, including the results of observations on the fall of rain at various heights, up to 3166 feet above the sea-level' by John Fletcher Miller | 30 May 1852 |
MS/119/1/33 | Letter from John Phillips, Magdalen Bridge, Oxford to Humphrey Lloyd | 14 June 1858 |
MC/9/385 | Letter from John Phillips, University Museum, Oxford, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 6 June 1872 |
MC/9/381 | Letter from John Phillips, Oxford, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 2 June 1872 |
MC/9 | Volume 9 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1870-June 1873 |
MC/10/80 | Letter from John Phillips, Oxford, to the Royal Society | 5 March 1874 |
MC/10/153 | Letter from J MacRertick, Associate of King's College London and Member of Geologists' Association of London, 4 Banstollah Lane, Government Place, Calcutta, East Indies, to the Secretary of the Royal Society, London | 2 October 1874 |
MC/10 | Volume 10 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | July 1873-1876 |
MS/257/1/171 | Letter from William Radcliffe Birt, Kew Observatory to John Phllips | 8 December 1849 |
MS/257/1/172 | Letter from William Radcliffe Birt, Kew Observatory to John Phillips | 21 December 1849 |
AP/38/17 | Paper, 'Notes on the drawing of Copernicus presented to the Royal Society by Secchi' by John Philips | 1856 |
MS/257/3/265 | Letter from John Phillips, Oxford to Edward Sabine | 27 October 1863 |
AP/45/10 | Paper, 'On the telescopic appearance of the planet Mars' by John Phillips | 1863 |
AP/45/10/2 | Unpublished letter, regarding 'On the telescopic appearance of the planet Mars' from James Nasmyth to John Phillips | 20 January 1863 |
AP/45/10/1 | Manuscript, 'On the telescopic appearance of the planet Mars' by John Phillips | 1863 |
AP/46/2/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'Experimental researches on spontaneous generation' by Gilbert W [William] Child | 1864 |
AP/46/2 | Unpublished paper, 'Experimental researches on spontaneous generation' by Gilbert W [William] Child | 1864 |
MS/257/3/262 | Letter from John Phillips, St Mary's Lodge, York to Edward Sabine | 3 July 1857 |
MS/257/3/263 | Letter from John Phillips, York to Edward Sabine | 17 October 1870 |
MS/257/3/247 | Letter from John Phillips, York to [James Clark] Ross | 7 December 1835 |
MS/257/3/251 | Letter from John Phillips, York to Royle | 25 September 1850 |
MS/257/3/253 | Letter from John Phillips, St Mary's Lodge, York to Edward Sabine | 21 July 1853 |
MS/257/3/261 | Letter from John Phillips, Oxford to Edward Sabine | 29 January 1857 |
MS/257/3/248 | Letter from John Phillips, York to Edward Sabine, Tortington, Arundel | 4 August 1837 |
MS/257/3/264 | Letter from John Phillips, Oxford to Edward Sabine | 12 December 1859 |
MS/257/2/330 | Letter from Robert Hunt, Liverpool to Professor [John] Phillips | 17 November 1849 |
MS/257/3/252 | Letter from John Phillips, St Mary's Lodge, York to Edward Sabine | 20 July 1853 |
MS/257/3/250 | Letter from John Phillips, York to Royle | 11 September 1850 |
MS/257/3/249 | Letter from John Phillips, York to [Edward Sabine] | 4 November 1837 |
RR/1/104 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'An account of some observations made on the depth of rain which falls in the same localities at different altitudes in the hilly districts of Lancashire, Cheshire and Derbyshire' by S C Homersham | 17 June 1843 |
RR/4/269 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'On the veined structure of glaciers; with observations upon white ice-seams, air-bubbles and dirt-bands, and remarks upon glacier theories' by John Tyndall | 10 May 1859 |
RR/6/102 | Referee's report by John Phillips, on a paper 'Researches on solar physics. Heliographical positions and areas of sun-spots observed with the Kew photoheliograph during the years 1862 and 1863' by Warren De La Rue, Balfour Stewart and Benjamin Loewy | 17 August 1868 |
MS/257/1/169 | Letter from William Radcliffe Birt, [Kew] Observatory, Old Deer Park, Richmond, Surrey to John Phillips | 15 November 1849 |
HS/14/158 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at 23 Norfolk St. | 26 March 1839 |
HS/27/67 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 1845 -7 |
HS/22/7 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Phillips, dated at Slough | 6 April 1839 |
HS/22/73 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Phillips, dated at Collingwood | 17 December 1840 |
HS/26/14 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 1845-7 |
HS/26/9 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 10 July 1842 |
HS/26/8 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 10 July 1842 |
HS/26/13 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 1845-7 |
HS/26/6 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 10 September 1841 |
HS/26/5 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 19 October 1840 |
HS/26/1 | Copy letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at Newcastle on Tyne | 1838-8-20 or later |
HS/26/3 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 19 October 1840 |
HS/26/12 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 1845-7 |
HS/27/68 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 1845-7 |
HS/26/7 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 10 September 1841 |
HS/26/2 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 25 November 1839 |
HS/21/86 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Phillips, dated at Slough | 30 July 1831 |
HS/27/66 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cambridge | 18 June 1845 |
HS/26/4 | Letter, from John Phillips to Sir John Herschel, dated at York | 19 October 1840 |