Authorised form of name | King; William (1650 - 1729) |
Dates | 1650 - 1729 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Antrim, County Antrim, Ulster |
Date of birth | 01 May 1650 |
Date of death | 08 May 1729 |
DatesAndPlaces | Burial: North side of St Mary's Church, Donnybrook, County Dublin, Ireland |
Occupation | Clergyman, Chuch of England |
Activity | Education: Latin School at Dungannon, Co Tyrone; Trinity College, Dublin. BA (1670), MA (1673), DD (1688) Career: Ordained deacon (1671); ordained priest (1674); Prebendary of Kilmainmore (1674); Provost of Tuam (1676); Chancellor of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin (1679); Dean of St Patrick's (1688); imprisoned in Dublin Castle for supporting King William III (1689) and again on suspicion of giving information to the Duke of Schomberg (1690), released after the Battle of the Boyne; Bishop of Derry (1691); Archbishop of Dublin (1703-death); one of the Commissioners for the Government of Ireland at the death of Queen Anne (1714)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 30/11/1705 |
Relationships | Son of James King, Miller, a native of Barra, Aberdeenshire, who had migrated to Antrim |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DNB; Burtchaell References: K Theodore Hoppen, 'The Royal Society and Ireland. II' in NR 1965 vol 20 pp 78-99, plate Historical Register Chronological Diary (1729), p31 |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Code | NA7759 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
IM/002538 | King, William | nd |
CLP/6/46/2 | Drawing, concerning hydraulic instruments by Mr King | [1687] |
CLP/10iii/39 | Paper, 'A discourse of His Grace the Lord Arch Bp [Bishop] of Dublin containing an account of the manner of manuring lands by sea shells as practiced in the county's [sic] of Londonderry and Donegall' by [William King] | [1708] |
CLP/6/46/1 | Manuscript, 'Concerning hydraulick engines by Mr King' | [1687] |
CLP/6/46 | Paper, 'Concerning hydraulick engines' by [William] King | [1687] |