Authorised form of name | Weatherley; Paul Egerton (1917 - 2001) |
Dates | 1917 - 2001 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Leicester, Leicestershire, England |
Date of birth | 06/05/1917 |
Date of death | 08/08/2001 |
Research field | Botany |
Activity | Education: Wyggeston Grammar School; Keble College, Oxford (botany); Imperial College, Trinidad (tropical agriculture, to 1942). DPhil (1949, Oxford) Career: Postgraduate work on fungi, Keble College, Oxford; bred cotton, Uganda Protectorate (1942-1947); Assistant Lecturer, Manchester University (1947-1949); Nottingham University (1949-1959); Reguis Professor of Botany, Aberdeen University (1959); retired (1981); his main area of work throughout his career concentrated on water consumption in plants; suffered from Parkinson's disease
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 15/03/1973 |
Age at election | 55 |
Relationships | Married (1942) Margaret; one son, three daughters |
Source | Sources: Times obituary 12 October 2001 |
Code | NA7872 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1973/30 | Weatherley, Paul Egerton: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/GA/GRS/6332 | Weatherley, Paul Egerton | nd |