
Authorised form of nameCuvier; Georges (1769 - 1832)
Other forms of nameBaron Cuvier
Other forms of surnameBaron Cuvier
Dates1769 - 1832
Place of birthMontbeliard, France
Date of birth23 August 1769
Place of deathParis, France
Date of death13 May 1832
Research fieldZoology
History of science
Stuttgart (studied for the ministry)
Tutor, Normandy (1788-1794); Assistant to the Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Jardin des Plantes (1795); Permanent Secretary, Academie des Sciences, Paris (1803); Chancellor, University of Paris (after the Restoration); member of Louis XVIII's cabinet; Grand Officer, Legion d'Honneur (1826); Peer of France (1831); Minister of the Interior (1832)
Membership categoryForeign Member
Date of election17/04/1806
RelationshipsFrom a Huguenot family; brother of Frederic Cuvier (For Mem RS 1835)
Bulloch's Roll; DSB
AltName from The Times, 23 August 2001
Proc Roy Soc 1832-1833 No 11 pp 150-152
Martin Rudwick, 'Charles Lyell, FRS (1797-1875) and His London Lectures on Geology, 1832-33' in NR 1974-5 vol 29 pp 231-263
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
M/056Cuvier, Georges, Baron
EC/1805/21Cuvier, Georges: certificate of election to the Royal Society
CB/1/3/189Draft of a letter from Charles Blagden to G Cuvier26 December 1815
CB/1/3/188Draft of a letter from Charles Blagden to G Cuvier25 November 1806
CB/1/3/186Letter from G Cuvier, Paris to Charles Blagden23 May 1815
CB/1/3/187Letter from G Cuvier, Institut National, Paris to Charles Blagden[1806]
MS/251/4Note from Georges Cuvier, Castle Street, Holborn, to William Buckland, Salopian Coffee House, Charing Cross18 June 1818
M/055Cuvier, Georges, Baron
IM/001031Cuvier, Georges Baronnd
PT/51/8Paper, 'On the megatherium, (Megatherium americanum, Cuvier and Blumenbach), part II. Vertebrœ of the trunk' by Professor [Richard] Owen[1850]
PP/19/11Paper, 'The nature of the shoulder girdle and clavicular arch in Sauropterygia' by Harry Govier Seeley1892
PT/73/8/12Painting, dugong skull and tusk by W H [William Home] Clift[1820]
HS/25/2/26Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Georges C. L. D. Cuvier, dated at Slough27 October 1831
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