Authorised form of name | Grote; George (1794 - 1871) |
Dates | 1794 - 1871 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Clay Hill, near Beckenham, Kent, England |
Date of birth | 17 November 1794 |
Place of death | London |
Date of death | 18 June 1871 |
DatesAndPlaces | Burial: The corner of the south transept and aisle, Westminster Abbey, London |
Activity | Career: MP for City of London (1832-1841)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 11/06/1857 |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DNB Obituaries: Proc Roy Soc 1871-1872 vol 20 pp iii-xi signed by A B References: W Johnson, 'Edward Gibbon and George Grote: A Bicentenary in Common' in NR 1994 vol 48 pp 221-226, plate |
Code | NA911 |
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