
AltRefNoNLB/16 p124
TitleCopy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Professor W J Sollas, Fellow of the Royal Society
Date1 March 1898
DescriptionIt has been decided to publish both of Sollas' recent papers "On the intimate structure of crystals" in the 'Proceedings [of the Royal Society]' but the Committee think that some modifications required first:

Paper I. The structure assumed for the alkaline haloids appears of such an unstable character that it could not suggest itself as a natural packing of couplets in the manner supposed. It should be made clear by the author that this is a purely artificial process and presupposes the four couplets in order to maintain their position. Also, the numerical relations based on hardness could be omitted, as could figure 2.

Paper II. Similar remarks apply to the paper on Silver Iodide. Also the reasoning on p.15 should be reconsidered.

Rucker returns the papers in the hope that Sollas can meet the views of the Committee and asks that the paper is returned, when modified, to be set up in type.
Fellows associated with this archive
NA6673Rücker; Sir; Arthur William (1848 - 1915); physicist1848 - 1915
NA6978Sollas; William Johnson (1849 - 1936)1849 - 1936
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