RefNo | NLB/16/347 |
AltRefNo | NLB/16 p181 |
Level | Item |
Title | Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Professor J W Judd |
Date | 21 March 1898 |
Description | The accompanying paper by Miss Raisin has been sent in by [T G] Bonney for the 'Proceedings [of the Royal Society]'. Since the paper is longer than the standard 12 pages, a referees opinion is required as to whether it should be printed at length. Bonney thinks that it should but wants a second opinion. With Bonney's consent, as Chairman of the Geological Council, Rucker sends it to Judd. Asks whether Judd thinks it is suitable for the 'Proceedings' and, if so, whether the 12 pages rule should be waived. |
Extent | 1p |
Format | Carbon |
PhysicalDescription | Manuscript |
AccessStatus | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA6673 | Rücker; Sir; Arthur William (1848 - 1915); physicist | 1848 - 1915 |
NA6461 | Judd; John Wesley (1840 - 1916) | 1840 - 1916 |
NA6474 | Bonney; Thomas George (1833 - 1923); geologist | 1833 - 1923 |