RefNo | NLB/22/166 |
AltRefNo | NLB/22 p102 |
Level | Item |
Title | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Arthur Mason] Worthington, Fellow of the Royal Society |
Date | [March 1901] |
Description | Sending cloth copies of 'Philosophical Transactions [of the Royal Society]' to Mr R A W at Cambridge in exchange for the papers copies. In future will receive B Separate papers issued direct by post. Arrangements for cloth cases for binding are in Messrs Harrison & Sons hands. |
Extent | 1p |
Format | Carbon |
PhysicalDescription | Manuscript, faint |
AccessStatus | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA1714 | Worthington; Arthur Mason (1852 - 1916) | 1852 - 1916 |