Description | Transmits a copy of a letter just received from Colonel [David] Bruce of the Sleeping Sickness Commission [not enclosed].
Colonel Bruce has arrived at the conclusion that the Sleeping Sickness is caused by a trypanosoma conveyed by Glossina papalis, and the evidence appears to the Royal Society's Committee very strong. If Bruce's conclusion is true, the need of an epidemiological expert in the shape of Dr R J Reece, is no longer pressing. On the other hand Bruce feels unfit to undertake all the responsibility of advising as to what administrative measures based on the conclusion ought to be adopted. On this point the assistance of an expert from the Local Government Board would be of greatest value and Foster submits Bruce's proposal for favorable consideration.
Quotes a telegram received from Bruce since Bruce's enclosed letter was written, which states that Bruce proposed to start for England, leaving Mombasa, 5 September. Pending the arrival of further explanation, the Society cannot do other than suppose Bruce believes that he has solved the problem. |