
AltRefNoNLB/31 p266
TitleCopy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor [Albert Auguste Cochon] de Lapparent
Date26 September 1905
DescriptionDe Lapparent has probably heard the result of the Seismological Conference at Berlin last August. The alterations at Frankfort in regard to the terms of the Strassburg Convention were unanimously adopted. These alterations will come into force as soon as the countries that form the Seismological Association have given their assent. Only France have not yet signed.

After prolonged discussion the Royal Society recommended to the Government that the country should join the International Seismological Association on certain clearly defined conditions, which Geikie discusses. The Government is willing to accept these conditions and join the International Association. Queries if De Lapparent know how France will proceed. Germany waived her claim to the Presidency of the Commission and the conference at Berlin pressed Professor [Arthur] Schuster to accept the office. Schuster would not then consent but may yet do so. The Society has done its best to secure that the organization shall not be a 'mere German bureau' and Britain's participation will not at first be promised for more than four years. Great Britain will of course carry on its own seismological work under John Milne as heretofore.
Fellows associated with this archive
NA6174Geikie; Sir; Archibald (1835 - 1924); geologist and historian1835 - 1924
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