Description | Regarding the proposal to transfer the Kew and Eskdalemuir Observatories from the National Physical Laboratory to the Meteorological Committee, Larmor is directed by President and Council to state that they have made the enquiries necessary in order to give a reply to the proposal suggested in a letter dated 10 January by Sir George Murray.
They are of the opinion that a dual control whereby the responsibility for the work of Kew Observatory would be divided between the Executive Committee of the National Physical Laboratory and the Meteorological Committee is not feasible as a permanent arrangement. But they have ascertained under present circumstances the Director of the National Physical Laboratory and the Director of Meteorology are prepared, after consultation, to make trial of the plan suggested in Murray's letter.
At the request of President and Council the Directors of the two institutions have made an estimate regarding the proposed division of expenditure. President and Council are prepared to carry through, as a temporary arrangement, the proposal whereby the working of Kew should be divided between the National Physical Laboratory and the Meteorological Committee, on the understanding that of the additional expenditure of £550 per annum, £200 should be contributed from the funds of the Laboratory, and the other £350 from the Treasury. |