Description | In reply to the Chief Librarian's letter of 8 February, Rix is instructed by the Committee to say that the Royal Society's copy of the Upsala Universitets Araskrift is complete from 1861 but they will be pleased to receive 'Dissertations on Natural Science for the Doctors Degree', except where they are excerpts from the Stockholm Academy in which case they have them in that form. The 'Kongliga svenska fregatten Eugenies resa Xi, 1851-1853' appears to be complete in the Royal Society library so far as it is presently issued. In exchange for any issues of this which may in future appear, and for the dissertations, the Society will be pleased to present the library's 'Catalogue of Scientific Papers', volumes one to eight. The ninth volume of the catalogue is printed by a private firm and the Society is not in a position to present that volume. |