
Previous numbersPP/33/16
TitlePaper, 'On a new electrical storage battery' by Henry Sutton
CreatorSutton; Henry (1855-1912); Australian inventor; engineer
DescriptionSutton writes that 'no system of electric supply can be con­sidered as perfect until some means is used to so store the force generated that it may be drawn off equally and regularly, and this whether the generator be on or off [...] All the present systems on storing electricity depend on certain chemical changes produced by electrolysis.' He relays the results of a series of investigations into a new electrical storage battery which consists of ' a porous pot containing dilute hydric sulphate and a sheet of lead, in an outer vessel containing a sheet of lead in solution of acetate of lead, the plate in the porous pot being made the positive electrode'.

Annotations in pencil throughout.

Subject: Electricity

Received 10 December 1881. Read 15 December 1881. Communicated by the President [William Spottiswoode].

A version of this paper was published in volume 33 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'On a new electrical storage battery'.
PhysicalDescriptionInk and graphite pencil on paper
Digital imagesView item on Science in the Making
RelatedMaterialDOI: 10.1098/rspl.1881.0090
Fellows associated with this archive
NA7690Spottiswoode; William (1825 - 1883); mathematician and physicist1825 - 1883
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