RefNo | PP/2/14 |
Previous numbers | PP/34/14 |
Level | File |
Title | Paper, 'Note on the differences in the position of the ganglia of the ventral nerve-cord in three species of scorpion' by E [Edwin] Ray Lankester |
Date | 1882 |
Description | Lankester writes: 'No one who is acquainted with the researches of George Newport can doubt the general accuracy of his description of the nervous system of an “Androctonus.” Very probably the Scorpion which he made use of for his researches on the nervous system was Androctonusfunestus, Ehr., the same which I have received in the living condition from North Africa.'
Annotations in pencil and ink throughout. Includes three pages of figures.
This paper and its accompanying figures are bundled with PP/2/13.
Subject: Zoology / Physiology
Received 25 May 1882. Read 15 June 1882.
A version of this paper was published in volume 34 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'Note on the differences in the position of the ganglia of the ventral nerve-cord in three species of scorpion'. |
Extent | 10p |
Format | Manuscript |
Drawing |
Print |
PhysicalDescription | Ink and graphite pencil on paper |
Digital images | View item on Science in the Making |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedMaterial | DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1882.0019 |
RelatedRecord | PP/2/13 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8247 | Lankester; Sir; Edwin Ray (1847 - 1929); zoologist | 1847 - 1929 |