
Previous numbersPP/36/25
TitlePaper, 'Supplementary note on the constitution of chlorophyll' by [Henry] Edward Schunck
DescriptionSchunck writes: 'After the reading of the note on chlorophyll at the meeting of the society on December 13th [see PP/4/16], I was reminded by Professor Stokes that he and others had succeeded in separating the complex to which the term chlorophyll had previously been applied into two substances, or rather groups of substances, one characterised by its green colour and red fluorescence, the other showing a more distinctly yellow colour without fluorescence, and he suggested to me that it would be advisable to ascertain whether the property of yielding glucose by decomposition with acids might not belong to one of these substances or groups of substances only. Professor Stokes at the same time kindly communicated to me the details of the process whereby he succeeded in effecting the separation referred to, a process depending on the action of carbon disulphide in removing some of the bodies contained in an alcoholic solution of crude chlorophyll in preference to others.'

Annotations in pencil and ink.

Subject: Biology / Chemistry

Received 6 February 1884. Read 7 February 1884.

A version of this paper was published in volume 36 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'Supplementary note on the constitution of chlorophyll'.
PhysicalDescriptionInk and graphite pencil on paper
Digital imagesView item on Science in the Making
RelatedMaterialInk and graphite pencil on paper
Fellows associated with this archive
NA3432Schunck; Henry Edward (1820 - 1903)1820 - 1903
NA8283Stokes; Sir; George Gabriel (1819 - 1903); physicist1819 - 1903
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