
Previous numbersPP/38/24
TitlePaper, 'On a peculiar behaviour of glow-lamps when raised to high incandescence' by W H [William Henry] Preece
DescriptionPreece writes: 'During my recent visit to America (October, 1884) Mr [Thomas] Edison showed me a very striking experiment with glow-lamps, the principle of which he had not threshed out, although he had attempted to apply it practically to the regulation of the current flowing in electric light circuits.'

Annotations in pencil and ink. Includes five figures relating to Preece's experiments and prints of the same.

Subject: Electricity / Chemistry

Received 18 March 1885. Read 26 March 1885.

A version of this paper was published in volume 38 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'On a peculiar behaviour of glow-lamps when raised to high incandescence'.
PhysicalDescriptionInk and graphite pencil on paper
Digital imagesView item on Science in the Making
RelatedMaterialDOI: 10.1098/rspl.1884.0093
Fellows associated with this archive
NA8011Preece; Sir; William Henry (1834 - 1913); electrical engineer and administrator1834 - 1913
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