RefNo | RR/2/91 |
Level | Item |
Title | Response by Michael Faraday to referee's report by Humphrey Lloyd, on a paper 'On induced and other magnetic forces' by William Snow Harris |
Date | 13 January 1852 |
Description | Disagrees with the opinion of Humphrey Lloyd, refers to current work by John Tyndall and others. Suggests the author should be made aware of Humphrey Lloyd's letter, so as to make any modifications which might be required.
Subject: Physics and Chemistry
[Published in the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society of London'] |
Extent | 3p |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Letter on paper |
Digital images | View item on Science in the Making |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedMaterial | DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1850.0036 Vol.6 1854 |
RelatedRecord | AP/33/15 |
RR/2/89 |
RR/2/90 |
RR/2/92 |
RR/2/93 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8218 | Faraday; Michael (1791 - 1867); natural philosopher, scientific adviser, and Sandemanian | 1791 - 1867 |
NA8346 | Harris; Sir; William Snow (1791 - 1867) | 1791 - 1867 |
NA8252 | Lloyd; Humphrey (1800 - 1881) | 1800 - 1881 |