Description | Regrets to have to tell him that nothing has been achieved towards getting a good research program underway for deep abiogenic gas.
The case that Gold's general thesis is correct is now even stronger than when Kennedy heard Gold's presentation the previous spring. Many very knowledgeable scientists here and abroad are now quite persuaded of the reasonableness and of the enormous possibiities opened up. A list could be supplied. In Britain, for example, the Department of Energy takes it very seriously, also in Denmark, and, he believes, in the Soviet Union.
Any serious program of research and exploration for this purpose would not only be amply justified for the new discoveries it would produce, but will probably cost them nothing.
Enclosed correspondence makes clear where they stand. The D.o.E. report can be described as saying ; "firstly we don't think the idea is right; secondly we are already working on it and nothing new is needed; thirdly we don't need any new source of gas anyway."......
It seems probabe that other countries will take up this type of investigation ahead of the US. Gold's articles are of course generally available, and he has many invitations to lecture on this topic abraod. The D.o.E. response makes it very hard to make progress here..... |