RefNo | WF/733 |
Previous numbers | 733 |
Level | File |
Title | Grant application from the University of Wales, Bangor to the Wolfson Foundation |
Date | 1978-1983 |
Description | Papers of application from the University of Wales, Bangor to the Wolfson Foundation for a grant towards research into computer aided design of microwave integrated circuits.
The application was made to the Wolfson Foundation's Science and Medicine programme area.
The grant was awarded in July 1978.
Amount requested, £55950 Amount paid, £55950
Correspondents include Dr Leonard Rotherham, Fellow of the Royal Society. |
Extent | 1 file |
AccessStatus | Closed |
AccessConditions | Please contact the Wolfson Foundation (0207 7323 5730) to request access to this file. For further information please go to |
AdminHistory | Part of the Wolfson Foundation archive - in archival storage at the Royal Society. |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA6142 | Rotherham; Leonard (1913 - 2001) | 1913 - 2001 |