Reference number | AP/85 |
Level | SubSeries |
Title | Archived papers: volume 85, scientific papers submitted the Royal Society unpublished or abstracted, 1980-1989 |
Date | 1980-1989 |
Description | Contains 23 papers and sets of supporting data submitted to the Royal Society, which were retained in the Royal Society's archive and their affiliated papers published in the Proceedings, Notes and Records and Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. The papers are arranged chronologically by publication date and cover the period of 1980-1989. |
Extent | 22 sets of supporting data and one paper |
Format | Typescript |
Manuscript |
Photocopy |
Physical description | Loose papers in two archive boxes with separate vellum-covered volume, gilded title on the spine |
Digital images | View item on Science in the Making |
Access status | Open |
Related material | See Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A Vols. 369, 370, 372, 375, 376, 386, 387, 399, 404, 406, 415 and 419; Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B Vols. 207, 217 and 222; and Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Vols. 297, 302, 308, 322 and 326. |
Related records in the catalogue | MS/421/17 |
MS/421/18 |
MS/421/19 |
MS/421/20 |