Citation | Graduated with first Honours obtaining Gold medal and Peel prize 1870. Whitworth Scholar in 1870. As Lecturer in Physics at Clifton College 1870-1873 organised the Workshops & Physical laboratory. Distinguished for researches in Electricity theoretical and applied. Has made some 60 communications to Scientific Societies either in conjunction with Sir Wm Thomson, or alone, or in conjunction with Professor Ayrton. - To the Royal Society of Edinburgh, "Capillary Surfaces of Revolution"; to the Royal Society, "Conductivity of Glass", "Magic Mirror of Japan", "Continuous Beams", "Strained Materials", three on the "Contact Theory", the last appearing in the Phil Trans; to other societies, "Measurement of v", "Ice as an electrolyte", "Electrolytic Polarization", "Specific inductive capacity of gases", "Heat conduction in stone", numerous papers on electric testing and on electrical measuring instruments, and several on technical education. Gave Society of Arts Cantor Lectures on Hydraulic Machinery. Author of "Elementary Treatise on Steam" (Macmillan), and of "Practical Mechanics" (Cassel). In conjunction with Prof Ayrton has invented Dispersion Photometer, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Electric Power meter, Ohmmeter, Ergmeter, Transmission Dynamometer, Dynamometer coupling, Absorption Dynamometer, an Electro-motor of constant speed, System of maintaining constant pressure in electric mains or constant current in the 'series' system of distribution, Electric Railway System for long distances with absolute block. Joint inventor with Prof Fleeming Jenkin and with Prof Ayrton in 'Telpherage.' |