Description | Includes a copy of a letter from the Agent General for Victoria regarding the question of an Antarctic expedition, and would the government 'contribute towards that subject'. Also sends a copy of a letter from the Admiralty relating to the subject. Informs there is no doubt in Sir [Henry] Holland's 'mind whether the application suggested by Sir Graham Berry for a grant of £5000 can be made to the Imperial Treasury'. Enquires whether the Royal Society would be interested in the 'proposed exploration'.
Refers to several proposals receieved regarding an antarctic expedition, and its scientific value. Berry has been instructed by to enquire if the British government will contribute £5000 'in the event of the Ausralian governments advancing the same sum towards the expenses'. Requests the Under Secretary of State 'to ask Sir Henry Holland to move Mr Gorschen to this effect'. A copy of a letter from the Admiralty to the Colonial Office, dated 18 August 1887, regarding the request of £5000 for the proposed Antarctic expedition. Remarks on 'competent persons' should be 'sent by the colonies to accompany the expedition', and 'observations, hydrographical, geographical, magnetical and otherwise' should be carried out. |