Reference number | MC/21/149 |
Alternative reference number | MC.06149 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from [Erich von] Drygalski, Luisenstraße, Berlin, [Germany], to The Royal Society, London |
Creator | Drygalski; Erich von (1865-1949); geographer and polar scientist |
Date | 12 February 1906 |
Description | On Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition letterhead [German South Polar or Gauss Expedition].
If 'Observations of days of unusual magnetic disturbance made at the British Colonial Magnetic Observatories under the departments of the Ordnance and Admiralty printed by the British Government under the Superintendence of Lieutenant Colonel Edward Sabine R A part I, 1840-41' published 1843 only contains observations from the last days of May 1840 Drygalski does not need a copy as he has access to this information in the repors of the Magnetic Association in Göttingen. If the methods of observation used vary from those in Sabine's 'Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism' Drygalski would appreciate receving a reference for alternative literature to inform him.
Attached is an internal Royal Society memorandum for the attention of [Archibald] Geikie dated 19 February 1906. Memorandum states that they will wait to see if [Drygalski] finds anything further at Gottingen as they could look further but it will be time consuimg and probably fruitless. If necessary they could consult Captain Creak.
Language | German |
Extent | 2p |
Format | Manuscript |
Physical description | Ink on paper |
Access status | Open |