Description | Requests copies of correspondence relating to Malta fever investigations and minutes of meetings of the Committee appointed to formulate and direct the work of the Malta fever Commission, so he can forward them to the Director-General of the Medical Depratment of the Navy, to enable him to make a comparisom with his recommendations for the supression of Malta fever.
Included are 3 attached letters dating between 8-20 April 1909: 1) From E.P Mourilyan, Medical Department, Admiralty, to the Royal Society, dated 8 April 1909, requesting an appointment to discuss Surgue's request for copies of correspondence. 2) From the Medical Director General, Admiralty, to the Royal Society, dated 8 April 1909, requesting documentary evidence sought by Surgue. Includes an internal Royal Society Memorandum. 3) From the Royal Society, to The Director General, dated 20 April 1909, stating that the Society does not posses documentary evidence pertaining to the formation and working of the Mediterranean Fever Commission. |