Reference number | MC/24/29 |
Alternative reference number | 08029 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from [Professor Heinrich] Bruns, Leipzig Sternwarte, to [Robert] Harrison, Assistant Secretary, [Royal Society], London |
Creator | Bruns; Ernst Heinrich (1848-1919); German mathematician and astronomer |
Date | 23 November 1909 |
Description | Responding to a communication from Prof. Lehmann-Filhes, addressing the Royal Society's query about an alleged exchange agreement with the Astronomische Gesellschaft (A.G.). Clarifies that the A.G. closed its library in 1895, ended exchanges, and transferred materials to the Sternwarte in Bamberg. Denies any exchange request from A.G. since 1895 and requests a copy of the alleged application. Mentions returning "Proceedings" received in error. Includes an internal Royal Society memorandum. |
Language | German |
Extent | 2p |
Format | Manuscript |
Typescript |
Physical description | Carbon |
Access status | Open |