Reference number | MC/38/4 |
Alternative reference number | MC.24004 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from J S Bliss, C/o Anglo Greek Magnesite Co., Assisant Secretary, Limni, Isle of Euboea, Greece, to the Secretary of the Royal Society, London |
Date | 31 July 1924 |
Description | Requests help in obtaining some books. Bliss informs he had settle din Smyrna after four years of war service, bought a house and furniture, living there for a year. The events of September 1922, Bliss and his wife 'had to turn out in the middle of the night' and have not seen their place since. Turkish gendarmes were put in and now Turkish refugees live there and 'cannot be turned out'. Remarks everything has been stolen, and there is no chance to dig for what they buried, fears 'no European will ever rent the place again'. Biss is not 'hard up' and has work, has had a few short articles on Greece accepted by an American paperm but he is far from books. He has recently discovered what he hopes will be a new site in Macedonia, and requests books on pottery.
[For reply, see related records]. |
Format | Typescript |
Access status | Open |
Related records in the catalogue | NLB/66/892 |