Reference number | MC/7/260 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from Fredk Jn O [Frederick John Owen] Evans, Chief Naval Assistant in charge of the magnetic department, Admiralty, Hydrographic Department, to the Hydrographer of the Admiralty |
Date | September 1865 |
Description | Regarding the Royal Society and Board of Trade's correspondence and memorandum on the correction of navigational issues caused by the use of iron in shipbuilding. Evans makes additional observations to the Society's memorandum, in particular on the Royal Navy's work and compass construction within the Mercantile Marine.
Enclosed are three appendixes, containing an extract from the Queen's regulations and Admiralty's instructions for the instructions of the naval service [MC/7/260g-260h], as well as suggested rules relating to compasses on iron merchant ships [MC/7/260i-260l], and some notes relating to efficient points of a compass [MC/7/260m-260n].
[The original letter covers eight pages, labelled MC/7/260-260f. The remaining enclosures are numbered consecutively, see above. The letter is likely an enclosure to MC/7/267, see related record.] |
Extent | 17p |
Format | Manuscript |
Access status | Open |
Related records in the catalogue | MC/7/267 |
MC/7/215 |
MM/14/76 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | Name | Dates |
NA2166 | Evans; Sir; Frederick John Owen (1815 - 1885) | 1815 - 1885 |