Description | One volume of letters and papers of the Gregory family, including some papers of Sir Isaac Newton; David Gregorie of Kinnairdie; James Gregorie author of 'Optica Promota'; David Gregory, Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford; James Gregory Professor of Mathematics at Edinburgh; and Charles Gregory, Professor of Mathematics at Edinburgh University.
Index: Newton 1. 9 folio sheets of the projected 1st edition of the Principia, Sir Isaac Newton's hand, not dated, p.6 2. 'A Theory of the Moon' dated 1699-1700, David Gregory's hand, notes on Newton's Theory of the Moon' which was incorporated in the 'Astronomia Physica' published by the Savilian Professor of Astronomy, not dated, p. 15 3. 'Newtonus de Natura Acidorum', David Gregory's hand, not dated, p. 17 4. 'Elementa Motuum Solis et Lunae ab Aequinoctis verno'; 'Given by Mr Newton to the R. Society, 3 Aprile 1700, to be returned as their answers to Mons. Leibniz's letter to the Society about the Protestants in Germany, their design of reforming the Kalender'', David Gregory's hand, dated 3rd April 1700, p. 18 5. 'A Paper offered to Mr Flamsteed to be signed on 15th April 1707 at Greenwich, by Sir Isaac Newton & Dr Gregorie, sent by the Referees', dated 15th April 1707, p.19 6. 'A letter referring to Prince George of Denmark's offer to bear the charge of printing Mr Flamsteed's observations, and asking for observations of Tycho's in his own handwriting, in the King of Denmark's Library, 1706/7, p. 20 7. 'An Estimate of the Number of Folio Pages in the Historia Britanica Caelestis', p.21 8. A Paper, headed 'Newtonus' dated 1700, p. 22 9. 'Tabula Refractionis Newtoniana', p. 23 10. 'Equatio Solis Correcta', p.24 11. 'Small figure about the Iris', dated 1702, p. 25 12. 'Notes on the Silver Coin in Scotland', 1707, p. 25 13. A Paper on Hyp. 111, with the following note at the end 'Correctiones Quad as Calvin exemplaris ipsius D. Newtoni Scriptas inveni, Cambridge, dated 10 May 1694, p. 26 14. De Canone Epistola, Newton, dated 24th October 1676, p. 27
nb. pp. 28-39 missing
David Gregorie of Kinnairdy.
15. 'Problema', p.40 16. Mathematical Paper, p. 41 17. 'Exercitationes Analytica', p. 42
James Gregorie
18. De Altitudine Amosphera, p. 45 19. Tractatus Trigonometricus, p. 46 20. Divisovibus numeri, p. 51 21. de tribus curvis, with figures, p. 52 22. Universa Trigonometria Praxis, p. 53 23. Tractatibus de quinque partibus circularibus, p. 55 24. Analysis Quorundam Problematum, p. 57
David Gregorie
25. Notes on Conversations with Newton, Halley, dated June 1698, p. 62. 26. Notes on Pardies' Maps of the Heavens, Flamsteed's Planispheres, Halley's Planispheres, with the opinions of Newton, Huygens, Leibnitz on various subjects, dated July 1702, p. 63 27. Short notes on 'Methodus fluxionum' Newton and Leibnitz, dated 8 September 1694, p. 64 28. Notes on various scientific subjects in Latin, dated Cambridge 1692, p. 65 29 Problema 'Invenire Circulum Equicurvum cum sectione conica ad datum punctum, p. 69 30.Varia Astronomica et Philosophica', dated London 1691, p. 70 31. Notes on Huygens' telescope, clock, planetary system, p. 72 32. Notes on information given by J. Cassini, dated Oxford 1698, p. 73a 33. Notes concerning an appearance in the Heavens on the evening of August 9th 1708, p. 73b 34. Notes of subjects to be discussed with Newton, & Halley, 1701 and 1708, p. 74 35. A Paper for the Transactions for May and June 1704, p. 75. 36. On orbits of planets and comets, dated April 1702, p.76. 37. Various notes ( John Wallis, William? Black, Picart's measure of the Earth, medical references, Julian solar year, notes on future reading), p. 77(a,b,c,d) 38. Paper on the Ancient Astronomers having considered the constellations as upon an artificial globe seen from without, dated 1705, p. 78 39. Astronomical notes dated London 1694 and 1701, p. 79 40. Notes on Moons Asphelium, observations on the Moon made in the Savilian Observatory, p. 80. 41. Letter to Huygens, p. 81 42. Answers to some questions concerning Huygens' Cosmos Theoria, 1702, p. 82 43. Theorema and Fig. Candu Cometa, p. 83. 44. Theoria Ptolemaica et Tychonica Superiorim/ Inferiorum , p. 84 45. Methodus qua Mathematicis' Oxford, 1693, p. 85 46. De quantitate motus in Rotatis, London, December 1691, p. 86a 47. Note on fractions, dated 8th September, 1694, p. 86b 48. Notata Mathematica, with notes about Isaac Newton, dated March 1703, p. 87 49. Notes on Geographical subjects on information from Ed. Halley, p. 88 50. An account of Dr Wallis' life & writing, p. 89 51. A Paper on the mathematical education to be taught at Christ Church hospital, London, written and subscribed by John Wallis & Dr. Gregory. 1694. p. 90 52. Letter to Ed. Halley, 1691, p. 92 53. A Letter from Halley to Newton on the comet of 1682, p. 95 54. Problema & Halley, p. 96 55. Halley's diving bell, fig. notes on the Sun, p. 97. 56. Problema Hugenianum, seu potius Theorema, p. 98
James Gregory, Prof. Mathematis Edinburgh
57. Epist. D. Gregorie ad Isaac Newton, 1691, p. 100 58. Notata, 1679, p.101
Charles Gregorie, Prof. Mathematics St Andrews
59. Extracts from Kepler's Astronomical Works, p. 103 60. Copy of part of a letter from Leibnitz to Dr Sloane, p. 104 61. Leibnitius de quantitate motus contra Cartesii et ejus refutatio and Objectio contra Cartesii refractionem, p. 104 62. A List of the Royal Society, 1693, p. 105 63. Tab. Equationis temporis, p. 106
64. Treatise on optics (part of James Gregory Optica?), p. 107-113 65. David Gregory on Jean Gallois (Abbé Gallois), Roberval, Toricelli, Wren, Descartes, particularly on cycloids dated Oxford 1 August 1693, pp. 132-136 66. Poems in Latin to the city of Perth, 'Ad cives Perthenses carmen Horatianum'; 'Elegia in Scotiam' work of Jacobi A-fine?, 1707, p. 140. 67. Notes by James Gregory? on Dioptrica Elementa, p. 162 68. Notes on secting angles, related to Newton, dated 6 March 1695, Oxford. p. 163 69 Notes trajectory and on density of liquids, related to Newton?, p. 164 70. Notes on secting angles, reference to Descartes, p. 165 71. Note on the moon's and sun's apogee, by David Gregory, p. 166 72. Page of signatures of David Gregory (Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford), J. Gregory (Professor of Medicine at Aberdeen); James Gregory (Professor of Medicine at Aberdeen); John Gregory (Professor of Medicine at Edinburgh; 1724-1773); J. Gregory (Professor of Medicine at Edinburgh, 1753-1821), p. 209 |
Administrative history | Papers of the Gregory family, in two volumes. Volume One includes writings by Sir Isaac Newton, friend of David Gregory, Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford. Volume Two also includes some papers of Sir Isaac Newton, as well as papers of ; A - David Gregory of Kinnairdie (1627-1720), inventor, apprenticed by his father to a mercantile house in Holland. Returned in 1655, and succeeded to the estate of Kinnairdie on the death of an older brother. Highly regarded in medicine, having a large gratuitous practice both among the poor, and people of standing. First man in Aberdeenshire to possess a barometer, and his weather forecasts exposed him to suspicions of witchcraft. Moved to Aberdeen and investigated artillery. With help of an Aberdeen watchmaker constructed an improved model of a cannon, forwarding it to his eldest son David , and to Newton, who held it was 'for the diabolical purpose of increasing carnage', and who urged him to break it up B - David Gregory (1661-1708, FRS 1692), astronomer, son of David Gregorie (1627-1720). Professor of Mathematics at Edinburgh University in 1683, first professor to lecture publicly on Newtonian philosophy, enthusiastic promoter of Newton's 'Principia'. In 1691 went to Oxford where introduced to Newton, who became an intimate friend and who with Flamsteed influenced his appointment as Savilian Professor of Astronomy in Oxford. His principal work 'Astronomiae Physicae et Geometricae Elementa' in 1702 was the first text book composed on gravitational principles and remodelling astronomy in conformity with physical theory. Approved by Newton, who had included in it his lunar theory, and for which he wrote a preface. Gregory was a skilful mathematician who left manuscript treatises on fluxions, trigonometry, mechanics and hydrostatics, and who was also known for his printing in 1703 of all the writings attributed, with any show of authority, to Euclid. C - James Gregory (1638-1675, FRS 1668) mathematician and elder brother of David Gregory (1627-1708) His scientific talent was discovered and encouraged by his brother, and in 1663 at age 24 he published his 'Optica Promota' containing the first feasible description of a reflecting telescope, his invention of it dating from 1661, and inspiring Newton to make his own reflecting telescope. Studied mathematics in Padua 1664-1667, publishing 'Vera Circuli et Hyperbolae Quadratura' in 1667, showing how to find the areas of the circle, elipse, and hyperbole by means of converging series, and applying the same new method to calculation of logarithms. Friendly debate with Newton 1672-1673 as to merits of their respective telescopes. From 1674 first exclusively mathematical professor at Edinburgh. |