AdminHistory | "Resolved,- That a Committee be appointed for the purpose of considering the Communication from the Treasury on the subject of the Hydrometer; such Committee to consist of the President, Treasurer, and Secretaries; Mr. Baily, Captain Beaufort, Mr. Brunel, Mr. Cumming, Mr. Brande, Mr. Faraday, Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Pepys, and Mr. Sheepshanks; with power to add to their numbers" (signed J.W. Lubbock)- The Royal Society Minutes of Council, 1 December 1832, vol. 1, p. 3.
"Resolved,- That the Excise Committee appointed by the last Council, for the purpose of considering the communications from the Treasury and Excise Office, on the subject of the construction of instruments and tables for ascertaining the strength of Spirits, in reference to the charge of duty thereon, be re-appointed; and consist of the President, Treasurer, and Secretaries, Capt. Beaufort, Mr. Brande, Mr. Brunel, Mr. Cumming, Mr. Faraday, Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Lubbock, Dr. Prout, Mr. Sheepshanks, and Dr. Turner; with power to add to their numbers"- The Royal Society Minutes of Council, 10 December 1835, vol. 1, p. 94. |