Description | Inscribed on the front paper cover: 'A complete Catalogue of the several Donations of Manuscripts, Printed Books, Naturall Curiosities, Machines & Antiquities, which have been presented to the Royal Society extracted from the Journal Books with the dates when given & the Donors names annexed'. Items from Royal Society's Museum, or Repository. Classified by sections, each prefaced by the classification scheme. Individual items are numbered.
Prefaced by 'The Order of the Classes' listing nineteen classes of materials, each represented in this list apart from 1-2, 'MSS Books' and 'Printed Books'. The catalogue begins at section 3 'Parts of Human Bodies'. Below the classification is a list of names against date ranges, apparently persons compiling material from the Journal Books. Those listed are Richard Myddelton Massey, Cromwell Mortimer, John Eames, Smart Lethieullier, Sir Joseph Ayloffe, James Theolbold, John Fuller and James West.
The catalogue contains item descriptions, dates of donation and information on donors. Items have been checked with pencil marks and crosses. Each gathering of text is side-sewn in the manner of Chinese book-bindings. The manuscript has a typed paper label on the first gathering: 'MS CATALOGUE D'. |