Description | Harrison's attention has been called to a volume of chemical tracts lent to Hartog as long ago as October 1895, which has only just been returned, and in a very damaged condition. The volume was dispatched very imperfectly packed in a single sheet of paper. Harrison is assured by the Assistant Librarian, Mr White, that it was despatched in good condition for an old book. The other volume lent to Hartog in December 1895, containing Sir J Pringle's discourses, has not yet ben returned.
Harrison regards this matter as an abuse of valuable privilege and shall report it to the LIbrary Committee. In the meantime Hartog will not be able to borrow and further items. The vase it aggravated as on this occasion the regulation requiring a written request from a Fellow of the Society for the loan of any book appears to have been relaxed. Requests that Hartog return the remaining volume in his hands without delay. |