
Reference numberNLB/34/48
Alternative reference numberNLB/34 p30
TitleCopy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Richard Tetley Glazebrook, Fellow of the Royal Society
Date21 November 1906
DescriptionDr [Charles] Chree has suggested that the question raised by Bruce should be referred to the Magnetic Committee. Geikie did not think that course necessary or desirable, but Chree's letter has been sent on the Professor [Joseph] Larmor who agrees. Bruce certainly ought to have the 'Scotia' results, on the understanding that he marks the acknowledgement. Bruce has only funds for a small of the results obtained by his Antarctic Expedition. Understands that his Meteorological work is ready and that if he could have the Magnetic work also he would have material enough for the first volume. Geikie feels it would be possible to agree to his requests without calling the Committee together.

Geikie is anxious to make a beginning with the publication of the National Antarctic Expedition results, but the material is not yet ready. The Meteorological Journal is being set up in type, and he understands the Admiralty Magnetic work is completed, but the material in Chree's hands still needs a lot of work.
Physical descriptionManuscript
Access statusOpen
Fellows associated with this archive
NA8225Glazebrook; Sir; Richard Tetley (1854 - 1935)1854 - 1935
NA6174Geikie; Sir; Archibald (1835 - 1924); geologist and historian1835 - 1924
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