
Reference numberNLB/34/6
Alternative reference numberNLB/34 p4
TitleCopy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Dr Charles Chree, Fellow of the Royal Society
Date16 November 1906
DescriptionOf course it would not be desirable for the results of the Antarctic Expedition to be published first elsewhere than in the official volume. But as the materials in question were obtained by the Scottish expedition, it would perhaps be rather hard to refuse the use of them to the narrative of that Expedition. It may be possible to prevent any possible objection to doing that. Asks what is the state[?] of the magnetic work in regard to sending it to the printers. Field says the Admiralty share of the magnetic work is finished, and it has been handed over to Chree.

If the Royal Society's magnetic work would appear before Bruce's report, all difficulties would vanish. But as that is impossible, they might be given the Scottish material Chree has been working on, on the understanding that ample acknowledgements are made with the work done on them at Kew. If Chree would make the remarks himself, and state that the reductions were new published by Bruce in anticipation of their appearance in the report of the National Expedition, everything should be straight.
Physical descriptionManuscript
Access statusOpen
Fellows associated with this archive
NA1735Chree; Charles (1860 - 1928); physicist1860 - 1928
NA6174Geikie; Sir; Archibald (1835 - 1924); geologist and historian1835 - 1924
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