Description | Harrison deals with each matter referred to in Geikie's recent letter.
He has added the Upsala addresses to the Council Minutes. The letter drafted by Harrison about the water investigation a week ago, was signed by Geikie and despatched. He has written to the President about the Scandinavian addresses, which he hopes to have ready for his signature tomorrow, with Geikie to take them on Saturday. He asks if special cases should be made for them, and if so that Geikie send a telegram about it, so that Harrison may put the matter in hand. Captain Lyons was delayed in Egypt by 'Nationalists giving trouble', but has arrived and is staying in Hindhead. Harrison has given him Geikie's address so he may call on him. Lyons has offered assistance in passing the paper by Wade on 'The Nile flood' through the press.
Harrison encloses a letter from Professor Chrystal and a letter from the Geological Society. |