Description | Larmor conveys the suggestion of the Observatories Committee of the Royal Society, having considered the report of the Poona Observatory and the remarks of the Director General of Observatories, that the Poona report be brought in line with the reports of Kodaikanal and Colaba, which are reviewed at another time. They are satisfied with the results of observations of spectra of sun spots conducted at Poona.
With regard to classification of sunspots, with the committee's recommendation having been anticipated in the most recent Kodaikanal records, they report that the Astronomer Royal has arranged to send the Greenwich enumeration monthly to Kodaikanal prior to publication, and the numbers for last July were sent on 25 October.
The Committee remark on the 1907-1908 programme of the Board of Scientific Advice. In relation to astronomy, they are pleased that the strengthening of the staff at Kodaikanal enables the full scheme of work intended for the observatory and allows effective cooperation in the work of the International Union for Solar Research. In relation to meteorology, they welcome the prospect of further investigations by means of small balloons and anticipate valuable results by this means, and hope efforts will be made to make observations in this manner at 50,000 feet. The committee recommend that results be made available as soon as possible for the use of investigators in this subject in other parts of the world, and with regard to meteorological observations made at sea, the Committee await the information promised. They consider that the importance of subject of the variations in solar radiation for Indian meteorology has kept it prominent for 30 years, and they consider it to be time for further experimental activity and recommend that an experienced observer be sent to a high altitude in a locality with a clear atmosphere to secure continuous observations of solar radition for twelve months, and the party be supplied with equipment of instruments as varied and complete as possible. The committee welcome the continuation of the research work of the Trigonometrical Survey, in particular the pendulum observations. |